
''You always had this?" For some reason, Emir found the sight familiar but he could not remember where else he saw it. 

''No, my skin started showing discoloration some time ago,'' It first happened near her thighs then on her hand, ''I went to the doctor and he told me these are symptoms of vitiligo. After I started the medications, they have faded a lot.'' 

Emir nodded, his brows still tugged together in confusion at the familiarity he had felt with those patches. Where did he see them…? 

The door to the conference room opened and Archer stepped out. 

Emir tilted his head and his face turned cold.

Feeling the tension between Archer and Emir, Anna fled from the scene, not before sending a discreet glance in Noah's direction.

She had felt guilty about how she had scalded Kate with coffee but Noah handed her thrice the amount of work and her guilt faded into nothingness. On top of that, Kate was even seducing her cousin too.