Insecure and jealous

Why did they invite her here? What did they want? 

Her confusion faded when Della spoke up, ''I was there at the Masquerade party yesterday.'' 

Elvina stiffened. Yesterday's party might have been a party if there weren't different chaos occurring in different corners of the venue. Did the Cardale Family come across something unusual? 

''Archer has been a disappointment,'' It was Archer's Uncle, Jonah who spoke up. 

Elvina's face was clouded with confusion, ''...What?"

 ''My sweet daughter… Look at you… You are so innocent that you don't even know about it yet,'' Della looked like she would burst out crying and that made Alex put his book aside as he handed a handkerchief to his wife who slapped his hand away. 

''Know about what…?" 

Della rubbed Elvina's back as she said, ''I had asked you to marry my son based on the good friendship I have with your Aunt. I don't know how to face her anymore when she comes back.'' 

Elvina blinked.