Chapter 11 : A Change For Layla. 1/2.

Leo had 6 hours before Layla's arrival to the location they agreed to meet. He needed to see the blessings requests but of course he was not interested in anything lower than the High Ranking Gods and Lower Cosmic Rank Beings. This is why he told the system.

"Reject all beings lower than the Lower Cosmic Rank and only show me the details of the high and above ranked Gods"

[Understood, progressing the details of the blessings you requested.]

[Advanced Ranking Godly Existence: Iduna.

Description : She is the goddess of spring, and the keeper of the magic apples of immortality who Gods from the Norse side eat to preserve their youth.

Remark : She finds you interesting as you were the one to break the chain of 300 years of no Odin's descendant.

Her Blessing : One magic apple of Immortality per 5 months and 10 permanent points into your Mp.]

[High Ranking Godly Existence: Zagreus.

Description : He is the young Greek God known to represent the hunting, wine ,rebirth and he is the Prince of the Greek Underworld.

Remark: He has gotten high enjoyment through your journeys and wishes to support you.

His Blessing: Two special skills made for you:

[1) Skill-book : The All Seeing Eyes.

Skill-rank : B.

Skill type : Passive.

Aptitude mana type : None.

Description: You can activate this skill by just closing your eyes for a period of 5 seconds, it only takes 10 MP points in the duration of 10 minutes you can see anything that's around your radius of 30 miles ( 48 km)]

[2) Skill-Book : A Gracious Rebirth.

Skill rank : B+

Skill type : Active

Aptitude mana type : None.

Description : If you were to die during your quest or mission, use this ability and get your health points full again, bringing you back at the place you died. But it can be only used once in 100 years.]

[Upper Cosmic Rank Being : Archangel Micheal.

Description: He is an Archangel that lead the army of Angels in the one way slaughter of the vile gods who tried to enslave the lower realms.

Remark : Adoring your righteousness and justice like personality. He views you in high regard.

His Blessing : His three divine tears and a special skill passed down from him to you.

[1) Item : Archangel Micheal tears.

Grade : mythical.


Upon drinking his tear you will receive 2 plus points in divinity.

Capacity : 3 tears.]

[2) Skill-Book : The Pure Stars Barrage of Knives.

Skill rank : A+

Skill type : Active

Aptitude mana type : Light

Description : Upon usage of this skill 20 pure stars will shape-shift in knives, then float on your side and will attack per your wish. It takes 20 Mp from the user and has a 5 minute cooldown. Attacking Dark Fiction followers would give you additional 40% than the usual damage.]

[Accept the blessings?]


Leo accepted all of the blessings, trying to hold in his laugh as he saw how Micheal viewed him like. His title "The Crazy Liar" really did it's magic. He then took out the tears and consumed all of them. Storing the magical Apple in his inventory. He said "Status"

[Name : Leon Heart Night The 7th.

Race : Half Pure White Elf.

Title : The Young Spear God, The first otherworlder Baron, The first otherworlder Viscount, The first otherworlder Earl, The Crazy Liar, Suicidal Lunatic The Chosen One, The 7th Descanted Of Odin.

Job: Odin's Descanted.

LVL: 6.

EXP: 1.850/7.000(+20%)

HP: 310

MP: 85 + 10

VIT: 46

STR: 100(+10%)

AGI: 67(+10%)

DEX: 28

INT : 51

DIV(divinity): 16.

Rank: 3-10(Potential 10-10)

Fame points : 170,500.

Available points : 93.


Pure Elven Bloodline - unawakened.

Potential: SSS.

The Night Divine Bloodline - The Night family are not related by their blood, Odin couldn't impregnate a human woman, thus he chose multiple human warriors that were experts of spears and passed his blood to them, they became walking gods both in the human realm and higher realm. You are the youngest amongst them. The 7th child.

Special Bloodline Abilities :

1. Adored By The Spear :

Description : Allows the user to maximize their efficiency with the spear 300% faster. If you ever learned a new skill art with the spear, the process will be 300% faster than before.

Type : Passive.

2. Void Slash :

Description : Slash with the matter of void using your spear, anything that gets close to your slash will be dragged in the endless void for the duration of 5 seconds.

Mp usage : 50.

Type : Active.

3. The Decaying Thrust.

Description: Using your spear to thrust with 700 % more power than your usual strength.

Mp usage : 70.

Type : Active.

4. ????

Description: ????

Potential : SSSS+

Blessings requests : 0.

Blessings: The Blessing Of Advanced Ranking Godly Existence : Iduna, The Blessing Of High Ranking Godly Existence : Zagreus , The Blessing Of Upper Cosmic Realm Being : Archangel Micheal.


Basic foundation of Understanding the spear art(PASIVE/ D rank)- progress: 100%.

Basic foundation of Understating the hand to hand combat art(PASIVE/D rank)- progress 100%.

The pure eyes of love(PASSIVE/ C+ rank) -progress 40%, The Body Of Immortality(PASSIVE/A- rank) - progress 10%, The All Seeing Eyes (PASSIVE/B rank) - progress : 0%, A Gracious Rebirth (ACTIVE B+ rank) - progress : 0%, The Pure Stars barrage of knives (ACTIVE/A+ rank) - progress : 0%.

Equipment :

Accessories : Medusas Ring.

Rank : Legendary.

Body Equipment : Full Body Spearman outfit

Rank : Epic Grade.

Weapon : Silver Spear.

Rank : Epic Grade.]

There were 30 minutes before Layla arrived, after viewing his status, he walked outside his hotel palace. Slowly walking down the wild forest of the Blue Empire. He told her to meet him at the location that has two huge rocks. Then she would get something that would've helped her a lot more than any job. A job change that can't be acquired from the advancing rank. It was only obtainable through triggering the special Inner Dungeon Quest. Given to promising Assassins. After waiting for some time he saw Layla, in which she was surprised. "Master you seem so dangerous and powerful- my senses are making wary of your strength." he giggled at her explanations, after all he was the strongest amongst all players. "Well of course, I am indeed a power house, anyways today you will receive the chance I've talked to you about in our texts" He explained in a way to check her if she remembered what they spoke about , in which she nodded.

"Then what do I need to do Master?" She asked in confusion, in which he pointed his fingers towards the two large rocks. "Take the key that's between the two rocks in front us." She looked a bit out of it, but followed the orders given to her by her master and she touched something that had the shape of Key, she somehow managed to pull it out.

[Triggered A Hidden S Rank Quest]

Title : Defeat The Great Assassin Shadow Dungeon.

Deadline : 3 hours.

Upon Failure : Getting your account permanently deleted.

Description : The Shadow Monarch made multiple dungeons for all sorts of classes into the lower realms, in which one would gain the powers of the shadows.

Difficulty : S-

Remark : If the dungeon gets cleared without using potions, the one who inheritance the power of the Great Shadow Monarch would receive a rank 4 shadow guardian.

Rewards : Hidden.]

"Oh my dear God.." Layla said in a confused and terrified tone. Yet one that was curios. She then turned around to her master. "Point to the dungeon, we must clear it as fast as possible" he said to her, which she nodded to and started walking towards the dungeon while her master followed her behind.