Chapter 12 : A Change For Layla 2/2.

After 5 minutes of searching we finally found the entrance of the Shadow Dungeon. If I remember it clearly one needed to finish three waves of 20 enemies. One after another without any breaks. What's even worse when you were done with the challenge and you would choose the class change, it will take 99 percent of your health, that's why the one who needed to clear this dungeon solo can only afford to lose 1 percent of his HP. That's why Layla won't fight, she will watch me fight.With my current strength there shouldn't be any problems. After all I sent her all the instructions through hidden private texts, so that the female A.I won't question me for my knowledge of things that I shouldn't know.

[Congratulations players Leon Heart , For discovering the hidden dungeon created by the Shadow Monarch]

"Let's go in"Leo spoke to Layla. After they entered he told her to stay hidden at the certain place that was surrounded by black rocks, since monsters wouldn't go near or attack someone close to those rocks because of their fear for them. The first wave of monster came, bunch of lesser wolfs and goblins, each race had 10 monsters. With his martial arts footwork and his spear foundation, the monster were dealt with relatively easier than they were supposed to be.





The wave two started and 5 golems arose from the ground.

[Shadow Golem.

HP: 5000/5000]

[Shadow Golem.

HP: 5000/5000]

Their HP wasn't as big, this meant that their speed was good. A golem that has fast reflexes sounds terrible first time hearing about it, however they all have a huge weakness, that was their chest. Using his dodging capabilities Leo wasn't touched by a single attack. Then he turned around and slashed with his spear, focusing mana on the tip of his spear.


A wave of mana succeeded in cutting through the chest of three golems, killing them.

[+200 EXP]

[+200 EXP]

[+200 EXP]

Then he blocked the attack of the 4th Golem, being pushed back he moved beside the Golem and in a sneaky way thrusted his spear through his chest. Leo was barely catching his breath, turning around and running in the direction of the golem facing him head on.

[+200 EXP]

The golem slammed down with might using both of his hands, but Leo jumped over the Golem landing onto the fists of the angered Golem, piercing through the chest of the enormous Golem.

[+200 EXP]

Leo tried to catch his breath a little bit, this was too much, even for someone like him. But he didn't had time to rest, the last wave was coming towards him. In the multiple shadows stood a being of 8 ft tall, standing still and holding a sword on his right shoulder. "What…that's not the monster that was supposed to come in here.." Leo thought to himself, feeling enormous fear and coldness at the same time.

[You are being affected by the Aura of the Shadow Captain Knight, you will be 10 % slower.]

When Leo looked at the message, he didn't even see the Shadow Captain running towards him, before he could dodge properly the Shadow Captain aimed for his head, because of his instincts Leo moved aside, but his left arm was sent flying. Because of the games high immersion, Leo felt the genuine pain of losing his entire arm. "Ughh.."

[-254 HP]

Leo stood up in pain. "Master no..please let me help you" Layla shouted to her master but he denied her help . "No stay were you are" She wanted to help her master, but she couldn't disobey his orders. The only thing she could do now is to watch her master in pain while he fought with the terrifying monster ahead of them.

The Shadow Captain Knight swung his blade towards Leo at extreme speed, Leo used his spear to block the blade however Shadow Captain Knight kept on pressing him, it wanted to mock and enjoy Leo's pain, to step on him like he was some sort of bug.

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

"LUNATIC" Leo yelled out in agony. A sudden urge to slaughter and torture the existence before him accrued. His stats were all doubled up. It made even the Shadow Captain to retreat back.

[-100 MP]

[Remaining Mp : 70.]

Using his skill "Body Of Immortality"Leo recreated his left arm, it felt like this new arm of his was better than the one he had before. With a demonic smile plastered on his face, he slowly walked up to the Shadow Captain, mocking the monster who once had it's ego so high. Nonetheless Shadow Captain remained calm, standing in his attacking stance. Preparing himself for what is about to come.

"VOID SLASH" Leo yelled out his special bloodline ability move, while slashing with his spear. A cut in the space appeared, pushing the Captain Knight towards the endless void, forcing him to bow down. Leo smiled at him happily, like a butcher looking at a little pig and preparing to butcher the innocent animal for humanities boundless greed and hunger.

[-50 MP]

"The Pure Stars Barrage of Knives" Leo held his hand up, about 20 knives of stars appeared, each having beautiful complexions in them. With a swift of his right hand, about 20 stars attacked the poor Shadow Captain eating away his HP.

[-20 MP]

[Remaining MP : 0]

[The Shadow Captain Knight : Artificially Created Boss Monster.

State : Confusion and fear.

HP : 569/24.000]

"What a foolish monster you are, I shall enjoy butchering you.~" Leo said in delight beheading the foolish and once arrogant Shadow Captain.

[+ 13.000 EXP

Drops : The Earrings Of Death]

[Congratulations players Leon Heart Night and For clearing out the hidden dungeon created by the Shadow Monarch]

Rewards :

1. Countless high tier treasures

2. Hidden job card by the Shadow Monarch himself.

3. The right to claim this dungeon as the owner.]

[Player Leon Heart ,your buff duration given to you from your title " Suicidal Lunatic" has ran out, the punishment will be delivered to you right now]

An unexpected pain has spread through Leo's entire body, it was the same feeling like the one he experienced as a wondering soul, this one wasn't that strong, but it still made him want to end it all. It felt like each of his organs and body parts were being pierced for 1.000 times each by rough blades. "AHHHH" Leo screamed in pain and agony.

"MASTER" Layla screamed in a worried tone. Rushing towards her master in panic to where he laid down in order to help him. Holding his hand tightly. "I am fine Layla, please help me stand up" Leo replied coldly to her, he felt like his entire being was incomplete, this is probably because his Mana was lowered to Zero. But that wasn't important now, he needed to see the rewards they received but a notification stopped him from doing so.

[Congratulations Party Leader Leon Heart, not only did you all found the hidden dungeon but also defeated it. Do you wish to announce to the world about your groups achievement? The dungeon will be located on the map for all players, and if you do accept it you and your group members will receive astronomical fame!


"Yes" Leo accepted the offer and went to store all the treasures in his inventory with Layla, after they cleared every treasure that the dungeon had, Leo waited for the dungeon modification to show up.

[Name : Shadow Dungeon

Rank : C+

Price to enter : 1 silver per person.

Minimum party members : 2

Maximum party members : 4.

Owner : Leon Heart.

Do you wish to buy this dungeon for 5.000 G?


"Yes" Leo pressed accept, now one may think that what he put was indeed of low wage for entering, however once the public announcement hits the entire world, millions of players will forcefully try to enter the dungeon. Nobody will be capable of clearing the dungeon at this time of the game, since no one has power equivalent of level 10. You need at least 4 experts of level 10 to defeat this high difficulty dungeon. In the past timeline, it took several months for a guild to clear this dungeon. Which means that Leo is going to be rolling in big money.

[Congratulations to the players Leon Heart and for being the first players to undercover a hidden dungeon and defeat it.]

[Reward : 200.000 fame points.]


She was too surprised to even say a word, her master was too powerful. If one were to call him the strongest player, none could deny it. If they saw the battles he just fought. She opened the job card master told her to use.

[1) Shadow Assassin.

Rank : Legendary.


"Yes" Layla replied eagerly to see her status, but before she could say anything an immeasurable pain hit her.

[HP : 155-]

Everything was dark around her, she couldn't see and understand what surroundings she was in no matter how hard she tried. Floating in the eternal space up until a light blob of darkness sat in front of her. The little light blob changed it's appearance to a woman , she couldn't even comprehend what was going on. What shocked her even more was that woman was her. It looked her straight in her

pupils and said "Excellent" knocking Layla out.


Layla woke up from her slumber on a royal bed, all she could remember was being knocked out by someone who looked exactly like her. One can even say it was her. She said "Status" and her status screen appeared.

[Name :

Race : Dark Mortal.

Title : Bar Lover, Quick Adapter , Baron of the Celestial Empire, The Viscount of the Celestial Empire ,The Earl of the Celestial Empire ,Shadow Monarchs apprentice.

Job: Shadow Assassin.

LVL: 5.

EXP: 1.850/5.000

HP: 176

MP: 20

VIT: 68

STR: 16

AGI: 40

DEX: 35

DEX: 28

INT : 21

DIV(divinity): 5.

Rank: 1-10(Potential 10-10)

Fame points : 210.00 fame points.

Available points : 93.


The Vile Dark bloodline : A bloodline given to humans who refused to accept death, reincarnating themselves and sacrificing their humanity.

Potential: SS.

Special Bloodline Abilities :

1. The Dark Devourer.

Description : The user can devour souls that will expend their youth and life.

Type : Passive.

2. ????

Description : ????

Type : ???.

Skills: High foundation of Understanding the dagger art(PASIVE/ B rank)- progress: 100%. High Understanding of the art of killing(PASIVE/ B rank)- progress: 100%. Shadow Dance( ACTIVE/ C+ rank) - progress: 0%.

[Equipment :

Accessories : None

Body Equipment : Full Body Assassin outfit

Rank : Epic Grade.

Weapon : Silver Daggers.

Rank : Epic Grade.]