Chapter : 14 Caesar’s And Cleopatra’s Training 1/2.

While they both did die in their previous world, The Egyptian Goddess of Love and Sky "Hathor" loved their tragic love story. And decided to give them a second chance and reincarnate them in the world Oinis. The more time they spent together the more they loved each other. They wanted to spend as much time as they could together and the only way they could spend time together without being bothered was to hide in the Pains mountain. In Leo's last life a toxic couple found their house in the mountain by pure luck and received great training and skills from them. The guy later on sacrificed his girlfriend to the 7th Demon King's desire and lust. She got abused right in front him and he didn't do anything. Damn just thinking about it makes me bothered from the bottom of my lungs. Even someone like me wouldn't use force on someone else when it came to that matter. Later deep in the story of Caesar and Cleopatra conquering the sinful 7th Demon King using their love and combining their powers in a single attack. Killing him without much resist. I bet even he didn't expect some bullshit human fairy tale to actually happen.

What was important for Leo now was to make both Caesar and Cleopatra in believing that Leo and Layla were a couple that loved each other to the core of their existence. It's not like Leo didn't sleep with Layla, he did sleep with her a lot of times. Nevertheless he had no feelings towards her and made it clear to her countless of times that her one sided love won't be accepted by him. However women are women after all. It feels like she made his love her lifelong goal. As soon as they reach a point in the mountains where the A.I won't have a good signal to, he would tell her about their plan. Even if gods who blessed him or her were watching, majority of the words would be hidden and censored from them hearing it. As long as both of them at the same time felt like it was important to be kept private between each other, no existence had capabilities to hear what they were talking.

"Phew finnaly we are allowed to speak with each other." Leo expressed himself to Layla in relief, in which Layla said in response.

"I knew something was off with you master, what do we need to do?" Layla questioned her master.

"At the peak of the mountain there will be a couple that will hopefully train us, we need to behave like a real couple tho. From now on don't refer to me as a master rather dear or darling. Call me by my name" Leo put across his entire plan to Layla and looked in her eyes which have slowly started to shape-shift in heart eyes "Yes master, I mean d-ear" Layla answered back to Leo while shaking from the utter excitement despite knowing this was a role-play thing, she was loving every moment of it. Leo just brushed it off and hope it will end soon. He hated the concept of love, because he could never feel it or understand it. Not even with his previous wife that loved him deeply and even gave up on her potential to stay with him. That's why he will make sure to never meet her again in this life, he didn't want her to suffer because of him, he was tired of that helpless feeling.

After traveling for 10 days, Layla and Leo finally arrived in front of the house. It wasn't a shabby house but it's not something you'd think that the famous leaders would live in. But hey you never know. Leo knew that Caesar will throw his spear at Layla to test ones love to another. A unanticipated spear traveled towards Layla, she was frozen because the speed and the power around the spear was that of upper 9 rank. One who can't reach enlightenment to the 10 rank of their potential. Leo used his spear to try and block the attack somehow, however the spear's durability broke and Leo needed to sacrifice one of his arms in order to stop the upcoming attack and guide it to the other side. Leo used the upmost force he had in his right hand and pushed it to his right, however his right arm couldn't handle it and it got devoured by the sheer power. "DARLING.." Layla ran towards Leo while glancing with anger towards Caesar. But Leo brushed it off and used body of immortality to recreate his arm.

[ - 50 MP]

"Hoo, you are an extremely rare one. Not only did you sacrifice your arm for your lover, but you also have the special skill of the Lorient family. And you are also a Night family member, I thought they won't find another sibling however here you are." Caesar elucidate to Leo and Layla. When a unexpected figure walked outside of air. It was the mythical beauty Cleopatra herself. "You went overboard dummy, what if they died !?" Cleopatra complained to her lover for his behavior to the young loving couple. "Then they wouldnt be worth to be our disciples my beautiful princess!" Caesar voiced out his opinion to Cleopatra. She nodded towards him and blushed because of his cheeky old man remark.

[Triggered a Hidden SS rank.

Title : Pass the hell like training as a couple from the loving power couple Julius Caesar and Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator.

Deadline : 1 month.

Upon Failure : Losing all your levels permanently.

Description : Prove your worth to Julius Caesar and Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator by passing through the training they couldn't pass in their youth.

Difficulty : SS+

Remark : If you surprise them on how well you do, you may receive ancient treasures.

Rewards : Hidden


Leo and Layla glanced at each other one last time and accepted the quest in hopes of clearing it.