Chapter 17 : Creating A Guild.

Leo had a nice nap, he enjoyed it very well. He took his pajamas off and went into his high gaming capsule. The first thing he did when he logged in was accepting the friend requests from Rosa, Ricardo, Carlos, and Marcelo. To his surprise Rosa was level 5 taking her promotion test probably, Ricardo was level 4, Carlos was level 4 and Marcelo was level 4 too. It was only 6 hours and they are already 80% finished with their tasks. He told them all to make sure to be neutral. Everyone expect Rosa and Marcelo. Rosa needed to join the Light side while Marcelo the dark side. Their Gods were residing in those factions, so they needed to join those sides per Leo's request.

"Well, it's time to create a Guild in the Blue Empire. And I know just how to do it." Creating a guild in a large Empire was impossible unless you had the diamond card which was taken by "The Rangers Of Light" he could easily have it for himself, but he needed The Rangers Of Light to be built so that there would be balance in the game Gods have created. The reason why Leo could easily create the highest rank Diamond Guild was because of his influence and the money he possesses.

"Show wealth" Leo spoke to the system noticing the amount of wealth he had.

[G : 15.889.789]

"If I didn't have the status of Earl, it would've cost me 10 million G to create a diamond guild in The Blue Empire, but because I have it I only have to pay 2 million G. If it wasn't for the dungeon earrings being 7 million G from participants and clearing the shadow dungeon treasures I would've been in a very hard situation." Leo thought to himself slowly walking to the Emperor's castle.

Guild rankings went up as:

Bronze Guild: 2.500 G.

Silver Guild: 6.000 G

Gold Guild: 500.000 G

Platinum Guild: 3.000.000 G

Diamon Guild: 10.000.000 G

"WAIT UP" The guards yelled holding their weapons until they noticed the status of an Earl on the otherworlder. "We apologize, Sir Earl Night, how may we be of help?" They asked bowing down as if he was the emperor. They could be seen even shaking, but it was obvious why. Because he was a Night family member, the Nights could easily deal with the entire Empire if they wanted to.

"I require the Emperor's time to build a guild in this Empire," Leo said.

The guards nodded respectfully and allowed Leo to enter the Castle. When Leo entered, he was a bit taken back by what he saw. The entire Castle was filled with luxurious paintings of famous warriors." It is a pleasure for me to host in my humble castle the newest sibling of the Night family" a loud dominant voice was heard throughout the corridors. It was the Blue Emperor. He was sitting down on his abnormally large throne, looking at Leo with his golden blue eyes. He had a long white beard and white slick back hair. He wears only the highest quality of clothing. "So I have heard you wanted to build your guild in my Empire. I approve but I have a question.."

"What is it The Great Blue Emperor?" Leo asked in a hurried tone. He wanted to finish his guild business as fast as possible. To get more fame points and free promotion from the game itself.

"If you were to aid us two times you don't have to pay the entrance fee of making a diamond guild in my borders. So what do you say?" The Emperor asked awaiting a reply.

"Hm. You ask a lot more knowing where I come from and give way less at that. Add to the deal allowance to make business with Elfs and Dwarfs and we have a deal." Leo answered back in a dominant tone.

"Fine by me, we have a deal then." The Emperor smiled at Leo agreeing to the terms.

Leo was going to build his new guild in his Night family territory given to him by his siblings. But he first needed to meet with Maria and he knew the other siblings won't show themselves to him yet. He said his goodbyes to The Blue Emperor and ran to the location Maria has given to him.

After traveling for a couple of minutes he arrived at the entrance. The territory he possessed was wide and located deep within the wild forest. Guarded by the knights of the Night family of rank 8. They greeted their new Master and Leo began walking toward Maria. Maria waved like a happy puppy to Leo. "Jeez, that woman.." Leo thought to himself.

"Well, little brother do you like your new home? There are all sorts of training grounds for all sorts of jobs. Also, you have maids and a personal butler that will be making your stay more comfortable. I have 6 gifts prepared for you from each sibling, and I have asked a friend of mine who is a royal Elf to come and see from what royal tree your bloodline comes from" Maria talked with a smirk on her face"

"Wait...You need to stop seeing my status I feel weird.."Leo said looking at her as if she was staring at him like he was naked.

"You have grown far stronger than before, you even went to Caesar and trained under him? To complete his Arts in 17 days your talent is endless isn't it" Maria noted that her younger brother's growth is unbelievable. "You also got far more handsome~" She teased him once more.

"Stop it.." Leo annoyingly replied walking beside her in his mansion, but what he saw on the table shocked him.

"Now now, let's start with my gift." Maria announced loudly passing a package to Leo.

[Item : Potion Of Dark King's Blood.

Grade : Divine.


Upon drinking his blood your body becomes immune with a certain degree to the dark prowess.

Capacity : 1 potion.]

"I know how hard it will become to make the dark mana in your body to forcefully succumb you, once you awaken your Royal Elven bloodline the more powerful the bloodline is, the more difficult it is to succumb to the darkness if you are a half breed. It took me a lot of time to get it for you, I hope it will help you." Maria explained in a worried tone of a caring family member.

Leo hugged his older sister. She has not only helped him once but multiple times. It would've been an unimaginable nightmare to control the dark mana that would slowly start to reside in his body. But with this potion, the difficulties are cut by a lot.

"Now to the next gift" Maria moved to take the gift from the 5th sibling. It was a Skill Book, but Maria looked mad seeing the name of it. Nonetheless, she passed it to Leo." Even with your Lorient special skill, please consider learning this atrocious skill." She passed the Skill Book to Leo.

[Skill-Book : The Dragonic Heads.

Skill rank : Unranked.

Skill type : Active.

Aptitude mana type : Light And Dark.

Description : The heads of the legendary Dragons who fought against Gods lay within your body as your power slaves. The skill does not have a rank because using one of the dragon heads ones needs to sacrifice a body part. Because they do not have other ways to get out of your body upon your calling. The Dragonic head will unleash a powerful blast once it gets out.

Mp usage : 150.]

"I don't remember a skill such as this one. Unranked skills are skills that have more negative effects than positive effects. But I've never seen this one, sure to an ordinary ranker this skill is a death row skill. However, once I reach the higher levels such skill will be a powerful arsenal by my side. A blast that would be capable of erasing an entire army…"Leo thought to himself glancing over the Skill Book he received from his 5th brother.

"Now now don't get blinded by just that. We have more gifts here." Maria spoke calmly.

"This is a gift from the 4th sibling." She handed the gift to Leo.

[Item : A map of the lost Dragonic lands.

Grade : Mythical.

Description : The Dragonic lands were destroyed by the Gods for their four King's behavior. Perhaps there are still treasures in the lost lands.

Capacity : 1/3]

"This family of mine is full of psychopaths in need of a therapist. The 5th and 4th siblings worked together, didn't they?" Leo voiced his opinion to Maria.

"Sadly that may be true. But no therapist can help them." She answered teasingly while giggling.

"Acting like you aren't one of them, how ironic." Leo thought to himself awaiting the gift from the 3rd sibling.

"Another Skill Book." Maria said passing the skill into the hands of Leo.

[Skill-Book : The Bloodline Devourer.

Skill rank : A.

Skill type : Passive.

Aptitude mana type : Dark.

Description : You are allowed to devour any sort of bloodline of equal rank and erase it out of existence. Crippling the person you took the bloodline from. But the user must be warned, that if the process fails even for 0,01 % and the user does not devour the bloodline with 100% they will lose their bloodline in return.]

"I was wondering how would I punish my enemies, I guess this skill will be lots of fun" Leo chuckled himself from listening to his thoughts.

"Now for the final gift, the 1st and the 2nd sibling prepared a gift for you together. It's an Ancient Art of martial arts." Maria let out a sigh and passed the Ancient Art to her younger brother worried.

[Ancient Scroll That Contains The Art Of Martial Arts.

Name: The Divine Tiger.

Description: The martial arts given by the passed Divine King Of The Mountain Divine Tiger.

Rank : ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆]

"Oh my God... that's a comparable Art to the 8th ranked ones. I knew they could get their hands on everything I needed, but to get this Art...I am blessed for such a family like this one, even if I don't know them all at the current moment." Leo muttered to himself terrified by the influence his family has.

Before he could even say goodbye, his sister disappeared. "How disappointing.." Leo spoke to himself slowly walking to a certain part of the wild forest and seeing a notification popping out.

[Do you wish to place your diamond guild in this area?


"Yes." Leo agreed to the building of the guild in that place. A sudden change was occurring around the wild forest till the guild base was built. It was comparable to the main city of The Blue Empire.

[Please input a name for your Diamond Guild.]

"Conquerors" Leo typed the name on the system bar.

[Congratulations player Leon Heart, for you have been the first otherworlder to create a diamond Guild.Reward for this achievement: Unique title: Powerful Guildmaster.]

[Do you wish to announce to the entire world of your achievement? Your fame will raise up astronomically!


"Yes" Leo replied cold like.

[Congratulations to the player Leon Heart for being the first player to create a Diamond Guild in The Blue Empire.]

[Reward : 500.000 fame points.]