Chapter 16: A Long-Needed Break.


Leo finally got out of his high gaming capsule, he felt normal even though he spent time in the capsule for days, one could say that the mortal civilization in terms of technology has evolved by a huge margin. But that would just be a lie since Gods are the ones who created the capsule. After logging out, Leo made sure to transfer some of the Gold into his bank account. He needed to buy players and make them a part of his guild, which needed lots of funds. He was waiting for Layla to send him a text about high rankers in his past life and if they accepted his proposal about joining his guild and being practically forever bonded to him. Not like he was some sort of a vile person, who only desires to rule over his subjects while treating them horribly. They will receive far more than they had ever gotten in their past lives but to say they wouldn't be scammed would be a hideous lie.

"Master, all of them agreed on the terms you created." a feminine and beautiful voice could be heard inside the mansion of Leo Dan Vok. That voice belonged to Layla, she has just finished taking a shower, and her sweet and wonderful hair was wet.

"Interesting, I thought they would try to reject or ask for more." Leo voiced his opinion to Layla while he was taking his shirt off, he needed to take a shower himself. Just the feeling of being stuck in a capsule form for so long made him feel uneasy.

"But Master they don't seem special whatsoever, they haven't even played the game heck most of them are in the slums." Layla replied in a worried tone, she didn't want to question her Master's decision making but for this situation, she just had to.

"Oh do not worry so much Layla, have you lost all faith in the one you serve?" Leo asked Layla in a saddened tone to throw her suspicious far away as possible.

"Noo-" Layla answered back not desiring to harm her Master's feelings.

"I'll go and take a cold shower. I need one after everything" Leo explained to Layla and started to walk to his shower room.


In the middle of the airport, two boys of dark skin sat in the line, waiting patiently for their turn to hand in their tickets and their belongings. "Brother, we did make it out of this rotten country." One of the brothers stated his opinion to the other one. "I guess you could say that. I still can't believe that someone such as Leo Dan Vok asked us to join his future guild." The second brother replied in confusion, staring at his reflection in the mirrors that were suited on the wall of the prime flight ticket waiting line to North America. He was fixing his waves and sliding on his durag. After one hour they were sitting on the plains chairs having all sorts of dreams for their future.


A Hispanic middle-aged woman and a boy held their hands slowly walking to their car as they looked back through the window of their old car and they remembered all the bad memories they had in this scary street. They got out of gang activities and got their freedom from Leo. The woman was happy because she was finally going to meet the man she loved ever since she spot her eyes on him. That man was Leo. "Auntie..even if you meet him, the chances of you being his girlfriend are absolute zero." The woman looked at her nephew with the eyes of a tiger and pulled his nose as a punishment for his bad faith in his Aunt! "What do you know!?.. You have never even held hands with a woman that's not of your blood!" She teased her nephew in a bullying way.


A man was seen signing and buying two luxurious mansions that were close to his. That man was of course Leo. He made sure to contact the American government to assure his new guild members' safety. It would be a lie to say that he wasn't excited to meet them. Because even the weakest amongst the four future rankers was that of 7th place. After signing the papers he said his goodbyes to the previous owner of the mansions and decided to take a soft lunch. A simple sandwich and nothing more. He was pondering how fast will the previous high rankers level up while he ate his sandwich. He needed a group to raid Gilgamesh's tomb because of the obvious treasures the previous Kings Of Kings had in his possession. If he were to finish his raid without making any mistakes he would receive the funding of Gold and weapons no players were supposed to have. He would be considered the richest man to ever have resided on Earth. But the money and weapons were not why he needed to complete that tomb, It was the inheritance skills from Gilgamesh.

5 hours have passed and four figures surrounded by 30 military and FBI officials from each side were walking to the mansion of none other than Leo Dan Vok. Leo waited patiently in his yard, patting a white baby tiger and feeding it milk. "Huh." The group of four was stunned to see the glorious man playing with a fierce beast. "Oh, it is my pleasure to meet you four. You can call me Leo, I hope the journey was comfortable all the way here, I know just how hideous it can be to go on different flights." Leo talked in a glamour tone with elegance as he stared at the group of four promising individuals.

The Hispanic middle-aged woman blushed to take a glance at the beautiful man that held the white baby tiger." My name is Rosa, I hope that we can bond far more in the future we may have~" Rosa introduced herself to Leo.

"Oh, a beautiful name. I hope so as well" Leo answered back noticing her attraction to him, but deep in his thoughts, he was losing his sanity. "WHAT. I thought it was going to be hard. But I guess she felt some sort of attraction because of my online persona." Leo focused on his inner dialogue but he was thrown back into reality as a young boy in his 17s started to introduce himself.

"Um... Hello, my name is Ricardo, I am a nephew of Rosa and I play RPG games on days without a break. I hope I won't disappoint you, Sir." Richard barely managed to gather up the courage to introduce himself to Leo.

"There is no need for the Sir part, but if you still feel uncomfortable calling me just Leo, then Sir would be just fine." Leo gave a faint smile to Ricardo, to him Ricardo looked like an innocent little dog you would pat none stop waiting in the line of a grocery store.

"My name is Carlos, I am grateful and will do my best to achieve greatness for you Leo Dan Vok. You have saved me and my brother and given us an unimaginable amount of money." A boy of the age of 18, with a huge Afro, bowed down respectably to Leo.

"Haha, there is no need for such humbleness. We are going to be companions after all." The individuals laughed a bit hearing Leo's response while Carlos felt a bit happy knowing Leo wasn't a rich douche.

"My name is Marcelo, I may not be used to games but from my skills in the real world I hope I will achieve greatness alongside you all!" A boy of the age of 19, smiled awkwardly at everyone.

"I have faith in you all after all." Leo laid the white baby tiger on the grass field to sleep, clapping his hands to announce something to them all. "You are all to start with 10 days in the game, I believe you all know which race you will pick since we have made predictions on the races that all of you will get. Make sure to follow the plan when it comes to the race and leveling up. After you have finished those tasks, explore the game and venture on your own. I hope you will enjoy your new home. " Leo gave them a faint smile and sent his goodbyes to them. He wanted to rest a bit in the real world. He purposely didn't introduce Layla so that she could observe them in the shadows after she was done with her promotion rank test. He had faith that they will achieve far more than what they achieved in their previous life.