Chapter 32 : The Guild Tournament (CLOSE COMBAT) 2.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, YOU'VE SEEN AND HEARD THE SYSTEM. LET'S WELCOME THE OPENING BATTLE OF THE COMBAT TOURNAMENT 'AYASUKE VS KATARINA'". The bald black finished his commentary and both of the fighters arrived. The once modern arena slowly started to change into a Flavian Amphitheatre also known as the Colosseum.

This is one of the bonuses of having the best Guild adjustments. You can do what you desire on the battlefield that the Guild possesses. It's crazy how Gods created advanced technology to the point where one can just type the name of the arena they desired and such an arena will show up.

"I wish you luck." Ayasuke spoke to Katarina, unsheathing his katana and getting into his stance. When he looked up to see where his opponent was, he saw that Katarina was not where he expected her to be, turning around he used his armor as a shield to block her attack that was aimed behind his back.

"You should talk less and fight more." Katarina replied to Ayasuke, closing in their gaps once more and pushing Ayasuke to be more defensive. Making him unable to move on attacking as he was forced to protect himself from the fast thrusting of what seemed to be a longsword.

"How is she moving so fast with a heavy sword like that?!" Ayasuke questioned himself in his thoughts as he tried his best to defend himself from the spam of attacks that Katarina sent. He was confused about how can she move so fast while carrying a huge sword like that.

The public began to scream in enjoyment seeing the fight, they were all happy to see their guild friends battle it out. Excitement filled the entire stadium. The same could be said for those who were watching from their homes. A viewership of 70 million people. The highest count on a stream Leo ever had.

"Excellent, I didn't believe that you would show up so soon Beelzebul." Leo remarked to his guests and Layla when he saw the dagger that the Demon Lord Beelzebul also known as "Beelzebub" forged. Out of his creation, he devoured existence itself by his will. Making a dagger that's as long as a longsword, but weighting and controlling it as if it was the shortest dagger. Promising to himself that he will gift it to the person that makes a deal with him and entertains him.

"A little girl like that doesn't even know what she gave away for that weapon. How sad." Amelia remarked on the situation that Leo started. Emilia on the other hand looked disgusted when she saw Katarina. "She is a Soul Devourer. Disgusting..." Emilia said in a disgusted and saddened tone.

"You never know, sometimes a deal with the devil is better than no deal at all." Leo said directly to Emilia with a smile.

"I don't believe that." Emilia replied to Leo in a sad tone.

"What a drama queen." Layla said in Leo's shadow rolling her eyes at Emilia's behavior.

Ayasuke was waiting patiently to find an opening where he can attack as he has been most in defense while fighting against his opponent. Katarina moves closer to him, in response he turns his body vertically holding himself on his katana. Using it as a stance, he gets closer to her. Secretly forming mana around his fist. Katarina noticed his fist late, but she used her long dagger to pierce his head.

Ayasuke smiled gently, then what seems that he cracks his neck. Dogding the thrust of the longsword. He punched Katarina in her stomach, and a huge explosion exploded. Ayasuke then readjust his neck back to the usual spot, smiling like a crazed butcher.

The public was frightened seeing Ayasuke readjusting his neck and smiling after it, everyone remained silent.

[- 100 Hp]

A red-wearing bar appeared in front of Katarina as she puked blood from the intense punch that was coated around mana. "How foolish of me, I can't believe I left an opening because of my arrogance."

"Mother he hurts sis..." Micheal said saddened and almost crying while watching his sisters fight.

"Don't cry Micheal, believe in your sister." Mother replied to Micheal, of course, as a mother she was worried for her child, but she had hope that she would overcome the difficulties and win in the end.

"I can't show all my skills this early..." Katrina thought to herself if she should heal herself with her demonic powers, but her powers take a toll on her. She has stacked souls for the upcoming tournament as a power boost. But she can't use the souls as she wishes without any worries.

Soul Devourers are beings of the lower realms who made a deal with the devil. Killing their enemies and taking their souls as a power source. They can't rest, because if they don't give satisfying amount of souls to their Devil, they will get their souls taken away by the same Devil they formed a contract with.

"Get up on your feet and fight honorable like a true warrior." Ayasuke was waiting and getting ready to fight Katarina till the end. His katana shined with mana and was ready to go into battle at any time.

"Honorable my ass." Katarina said back as she slowly stood up. She wanted to kill him for his constant and annoying mocking.

"He is a samurai type, those guys are great with the swordplay and hand-to-hand combat." Beelzebul was using soul communication to communicate with his Soul Devourer Katarina.

"Now you decide to help me. Too late man." Katarina complained to her Devil about his late appearance.

[Authors note: Hey guys, I could not log in to my account for two weeks because there was a problem with my email. As an apology, I'll upload for the rest of this week with 1-2 chapters daily. Again I am very sorry for not being able to get into my account at the right time.( ^◡^)っ✂❤]