Chapter 33 : The Guild Tournament (CLOSE COMBAT) 3.

"Ayasuke, come child." A man with fabulous long black hair called his son's name. He wore a kimono with blue and black stripes.

"You called for me father?" Ayasuke came in, but before he even stepped into the room. He bowed politely to his father. To show how much he respected him.

"Yes, I did. Come in and sit down." Ayasuke's father singled with his hands for Ayasuke to get in the room.

"What do you think makes someone a true samurai?" Ayasuke's father asked him fast when Ayasuke sat down.

"Um, I believe that a samurai believes in honor, and fights honorably through the path of his sword." Little Ayasuke finished his explanation to his father. Being a little cheeky, he felt like finally had given the right answer to his father's questions.

"Wrong." Ayasuke's father slapped Ayasuke behind his back. Ayasuke rubbed his back, holding his tears back. He didn't want to show a sign of weakness to his father. His mother would've gotten angry if he got himself embarrassed again in front of his father and family.

"A good samurai is the one who always tries his best to fight with honor, not just with his sword but with his fists too. He always must be on the justice side. Helping those in need. That's how our "Shotimaru" house stayed powerful for hundreds of years." Ayasuke's dad finished his speech to his son, but just when he was going to send him off he noticed that Ayasuke was feeling down.

"Ayasuke Shotimaru, you will always be my son. It does not matter if your mother is not from a royal bloodline. I will always believe in you. Just like I do to all my children." Ayasuke's father then held him up in the air with his hands that have scars. He smiled brightly at him. Embracing him as if he was just a baby. This made Ayasuke smile, it was the first time Ayasuke smiled at anyone since he was born.

"I can't lose no matter what." Ayasuke charged at Katarina with immersive speed, pointing his katana directly at her heart. But just as the katana was closing the gap between them an unbelievable hidden skill activated.

"Royal Demonic Shield." Katarina uses her lost blood as the activation of her skill, her blue eyes slowly turning into the color of crimson red. A crimson shield formed with dangerous spikes. Seeing this, Ayasuke moves back slowly, trying to evade the spikes. But to his bad luck. The spikes in themselves did not set onto the shield. They expended and started moving to him. Aiming for his vital points. No matter how high Ayasuke's senses were he couldn't defend himself from such an unexpected scenario. Causing both of his legs to be cut in half. Blood pouring from his legs, erupting like a Wild Volcano.

[-230 HP]

The red warning of HP loss that once appeared in front of Katarina, now is in front of Ayasuke. The public yelled with excitement as they watched this unpredictable battle.


[Skill book - Royal Demonic Shield.

Skill rank : B-.

Skill type : Active.

Aptitude mana type : Dark.

Description : The user uses his/hers blood as the source of awakening this skill. As long as there is blood left to be used as fuel, he/she can use this skill as long as they wish. The skills formes a shield in front the user with spikes. Those spikes attack the targeted person until that target dies.

MP usage : 30 Mp.]


"Impossible… HOW HOW HOW!?" Ayasuke questioned himself in agony, his both legs were missing and what he had left was his fists. Not even his own Katana in his hands.

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

[-10 HP]

"How about you die the honorable way, mister samurai." Katarina smiled just like Beelzebul, pushing her long dagger deep within Ayasuke's heart. He was angered, he didn't even use 10 % of his skills, yet he was dying. Being eliminated. He grabbed Katarina's throat with pure anger in his eyes. Trying to choke her, while blood poured out of his mouth and chest. But slowly death caught up to Ayasuke, ending the struggle around Katarina's neck.

"That's the funniest scenario I ever saw. Even when you have such an advantage, he almost choked you to death." Beelzebul laughed endlessly while watching Katarina. He was embarrassed at her levels of stupidity, being blocked by her ideals of being a good person, when she decided to make a deal with him for her selfish desires. What funny irony.

"Shut up…" Katarina replied quietly in her mind to him. She knew deep within her that she was a useless person. But even a useless person hates being called useless.

"That was an unfair match..." Emilia looked down as she watched Ayasuke dying. She was rooting for him to win the first round against such a disgusting being.

"Nothing is fair in all realms little Emilia. There will be those gifted with talents and skills and those who don't have them, no matter how hard they train unless they don't have a talent. They won't achieve what they would want to achieve." Leo replied to her judgment of the match.

"That is the sad truth." Amelia added to Leo's speech.

[Name : Katarina.

Race : Royal Soul Devourer.

Title : First One That Made A Deal With The Devil, Envious Loser, Baron Of Devildom.

LVL: 18.

EXP: 50.000/52.000

HP: 540

MP: 120

VIT: 87

STR: 76

AGI: 210

DEX: 51

INT : 32.

Rank: 3-10(Potential 10-10)

Fame points : 5.000

Available points : 23


Royal Soul Devourer - Royal Soul Devourers are beings who made a contract with a Royal Devil. Receiving royal blood into their bodies, making them into hybrids.

Special Bloodline Abilities:

1. ????.

Description : ????.

2. ????.

Description : ????

Potential : SS-.

Blessing requests : Locked.

Blessings : The Blessing Of Upper Cosmic Realm Being : ArchDevil/Demon Beelzebul.

Skills : Hidden.

Arts: Hidden.

Equipment :

Accessories : Evil Ring.

Rank : Epic.

Body Equipment : Full Body Assasin outfit

Rank : Epic Grade.

Weapon : Vanguard.

Rank : Mythical.]