Chapter 42 : Confrontation Part 1/2.

Leo stormed outside Skadi's palace. Running right through the entrance of the snowy large palace. But as soon as he waited to be teleported Skadi warned him of his future and destiny. He turned his head toward her and slowly began to listen. He was curious as to what would he learn from her. Hoping that at last, she would not make a teasing comment or a puzzle that he has to solve.

"I was thinking of solving your little Art problem. But I am not going to do it. It is something you have to face yourself and conquer the wild Tiger that dwells inside of you. I wish you only prosperity…." Skadi moved back as she waved her hand. The same light that blinded Leo arrived and before he could form a response to Skadi, it grabbed him forcefully. Like he was a pet to it, which did humiliate Leo a bit. As someone who was unstoppable these days, being forcefully taken out by a teleportation light bruised his arrogance.

"Ah here am I again…Hopefully this time the light will be faster." Leo pounded the ground of the light with his fist, indicating that the stupid light took too much time traveling. After he was done with his pointless shenanigans, he rubbed his chin thinking to himself over what Skadi told him. "Conquer the Wild tiger that dwells inside of you." The Divine Tiger Art was an Art he had the smallest expectations for. The previous user of the Art was an idiot for not using it properly or it could be that the Art itself took over his soul. Anything is possible in this unfair universe that values only power.

"Perhaps she did not want to help me, because If I do it on my own I might get more rewards than with her help." Leo concluded multiple possibilities that could occur. But that is in the future, he does not have time to think about something that is not happening right now. He has an entire enemy to be wary of at the current moment.

"Rose come out now." Leo ordered his contracted spear to come out, forcing her to reveal herself in her physical spear form.

"What did ya want stinky master?!" Rose yelled out in frustration at her master for forcing her out of her comfortable spiritual bed and her beautiful wet dreams with servants of the incubus demonic race.

"Despite your disgusting dreams, did you not listen to what Skadi spoke about?" Leo asked Rosa, his eyes piercing right through her to see if she would try to deceive him or lie to him.

"Hm, I have. But some sentences I could not hear at all. But what did you do master to bother the Sin of Gluttony? I know that you are a big shot and all, but you haven't achieved that level where you could offend The Sins Series. I am not certain if your father will back you up on this." Rose looked concerned for her Master, even if he was a prick. He was still the only one who could use her properly and not damage her divinity.

"That's what I want to know." Leo answered with a quick and short answer to his dirty-minded spear.

"WHAT?!" Rose replied in shock. He had not done anything to them and they are attacking him? Have they lost their mind and want to start a war with the Norse side. Seriously ever since she had woken up from her slumber, the entire galaxy has gone upside down.

"It seems we are going to form a plan, Rose. This is what I want you to do." Leo held Rose in his right hand. He then proceeded to explain what he wants her to do and how he wants her to do it.

Just like that, the light arrived back. Leo finally stood on solid ground, he felt dizzy during the entire ride. Just when he calmed himself, a Bizzare strong form of aura was running at him at an insane speed. Whatever the user once was, now was nothing but a mindless beast due to the mad influence of Gluttony. it yearned for his existence and life. His skills and talent, are what this beast was envious of to its core.

"How pathetic, allowing your power to take over your body. If I lose to you, I would end myself personally." Leo remarked on what was about to be his opponent. A hideous beast with ten arms, running on four of them. In which all of them had a sword, and the face of the user was covered with a dark mist that cannot be seen. His back is deformed and on the top of the deformed back the scales of a drake reign high. Such a disgusting hideous appearance that a normal human would not be able to look at it for more than a second.

"Give…me…your all…" In a raspy loud voice, the user spoke to Leo. Only to scream like a wild animal at him. Rushing to devour him, but as soon as the mad beast approached Leo, Leo moved behind the foul beast as if he had predicted its move from the beginning.

"Where….prey?.." The beast confusingly looked around not being able to smell or see Leo's presence.

Leo smirked, thrusting a normal metal spear at the deformed back of Drake's scales. The Beast managed to defend itself against Leo, being angered that it was the one being pushed back by a metal spear. Because of that, it released its aura thinking that Leo would fall back in fear, as all of its prey have.

"Foolishness is something you never stop doing."Leo made a cocky remark, releasing his aura, which battled against the beast's aura. Trees and everything around them began to disappear due to the heavy pressure of two dominating auras facing each other directly.

"How…do…you?" The beast became even more confused, it did not understand how he was being pushed back by a demi-human. Even if he has a powerful background, he is still a small prey. The clashing of normal metal steal and dark steal echoed throughout the new wasteland.