That book was the biggest and also the oldest Hazel had ever seen. She was shocked as to how Gillian could even manage to lift the book or hold it with a single hand, as if it weighed nothing.

Just by looking at it alone, Hazel felt like she could feel the heaviness of that book.

Yet, that was not all, since she realized what this man was going to make her do. "No. Don't tell me to read that!" Hazel looked mortified when Gillian put down the book on the table in front of her, sending the dust flying around until it made her cough so bad.

"Oops, I am sorry," he said, as he waved his hand around to get rid of the dust, as Hazel moved away from that book, as if that thing would kill her. She had asthma and seeing the thick dust gathered by that book alone made her feel suffocated.

Damn. She didn't even have an inhaler with her, since it didn't relapse often.

"If you are going to ask me to read that book, I will not," Hazel said firmly. Not only was she not into reading, but she couldn't stand the sight of that thick dust either.

"But, if you want to know more details about us, you can only find it in that book."

"All of the explanations are in that book?"

Gillian scratched the back of his head which was not itchy at all. "Well, that book and another six."

"There are seven books in total?!" Hazel felt her jaw drop when she heard that. Let alone seven, she couldn't even bring herself to open the first page of this book. How thick was that book? Fifty? Sixty centimeters? She would die from out of breath before she even got to finish it.

"Yes, and other books if you want more details." Gillian tried to explain.

"Have you read them?" The frown between her eyes deepened. She looked at Gillian incredulously and part of her wouldn't even dare to believe him if he were to say he was done reading all of those books.

But, to her surprise, he replied to her, "Yes, I did."

"No way, don't try to fool me." Hazel looked at him up and down, he looked no more than thirty years old. "How long did it take you to finish reading those books?"

"Around twenty years."

The corner of Hazel's lips twitched. "Were these the first books you tried reading when you could finally read?"

"No, of course not. I finished reading those books around fifty years ago." And the look on Hazel's face amused Gillian, since he realized how different concepts of age and time were between humans and shifters like them.

"FIFTY? HOW OLD ARE YOU?!" Her voice echoed throughout this library room.

"I am one hundred and seventeen now," Gillian said with a smirk of proudness on his lips to see how Hazel's jaw dropped and then he proceeded to explain the concept of time and age between them.

"Wait, let me sit down first, I don't want to pass out on this cold floor," Hazel mumbled as she took a different sofa in this room, away from that dusty book. "Okay continue…"

Gillian was amused by Hazel's reaction. She was very expressive about every information that he told her. He didn't say much, but basically told her about the most important things about the shifters and also who was the alpha and how she was their luna, also the concepts of mate bond and mind link.

"How could a human become the luna of a supernatural creature? Is it like having a cross race marriage?" Hazel concluded after she heard that she was Micah's mate, which automatically made her the luna for his pack.

"Kind of, if you put it that way."

"So, it is like an arranged marriage?"

Gillian couldn't answer that, because he couldn't find the logic how it could be the same and since he was not allowed to read her mind, he wouldn't be able to understand the way her mind worked.

"So, you can shift into that dog form?"

"Wolf, Luna. We are lycans, we will take a form that is close to a wolf, not a dog." Gillian didn't know whether he had to laugh or cry when he heard that. Was that an insult? But, this was his Luna that talked like that.

"Okay, wolf," Hazel corrected herself easily. "Can you shift into wolf form?"

"Yes, I can," Gillian said.

"Can you shift now?" The last time she saw Micah shifting from his lycan's form to his human's form, he was too fast and she barely remembered any of that. Therefore, it seemed like a dream, something that was not real.

Therefore, if she could see it once again, probably she could accept this concept of supernatural creatures, who apparently were living among humans for centuries.

On the other hand, without saying anything, Gillian shifted into his grey wolf. His wolf looked smaller than Micah's white one, but Gillian had already explained about the same to her. Micah was the alpha, the leader of their pack, naturally, he was special.

Hazel let out a short screech when she witnessed all of this, as she stood up and took two steps back, but because the wolf didn't do anything and just sat docilely on his hind legs, until she herself took the initiative to approach the beast.

"Wow…" Hazel gushed, as she watched how a miracle happened right before her eyes. She then knelt down about a step away from him. "Hand." Hazel extended her hand to the wolf.

Confused, the wolf cocked its head, but gave her his front leg, which made Hazel nod, but then she tore a paper from the notebook on the table and crumpled it into a ball before she threw it away.

"Fetch that."

The wolf was confused, but he did what he was told, after all, she was the luna, so her order must be heeded. Two seconds later, the wolf returned with the paper ball and dropped it in her hand.

"Good boy," Hazel said, as she tousled his head.



Meet me on Instagram @jikan_yo_tomare.