A Long Day

Mason was fuming with anger as he paced back and forth in his office. Since he came to work and found the women that were sent by his grandfather, he has been livid. He couldn't believe his grandfather would pull a stunt such as this on him. Why would he choose to do something like this to him? He already told the old man that he wasn't ready to get married just yet, why can't he just give him a minute of rest? Does he think arraigning all the young women in the city before him, was going to make him change his mind?

"Mason you need to calm down," his manager said to him, as he continued to pace his office. Mason paused to address his manager whom he was so close to killing.

"How could you Trevor? How could you not have told me about this?" He was pissed at his grandfather, but he was even more pissed at his manager for not telling him about his grandfather's little game.

"I'm sorry, but I wasn't aware of it myself, this is all your grandfather," his manager said in his defense. "I just found out about it this morning."

"Then why didn't you tell me about it? Why didn't you freaking tell me about it the moment you found out?!" Mason demanded in anger.

Trevor looked down at his shoes, "your grandfather insisted that I didn't tell you about it, he wanted you to find out about it yourself."

Mason balled his hands into a fist, his grandfather knew the moment he finds out about his little game, he was going to call everything off.

"I don't know whatever it is that you have planned with my grandfather, but it's happening. I want you to ask those ladies to leave this place now! This is a workplace and not some fashion house."

"I'm sorry Mason, but your grandfather insists that this takes place, or I would lose my job."

"Then, I think you should better start looking for a new job because I'm not going to speak to any of them," Mason went back to his desk and sat down.

His manager came closer to his desk. "Come on Mason, please just talk to these women, it can't be that bad." Mason shot him a deadly glare and he paused for a second. "All right, how about you just see them? You don't have to talk to them, just see each of them separately and it would count, but please don't send them away without having to see them. Your grandfather was dead serious when he said he would get me fired if I didn't get you to see them."

Mason sighed in frustration, after this is over, he was going to have a serious talk with his grandfather, that man can't continue to interfere in his life like he was a baby and didn't have a say in what goes on his own life.

"Fine, I will only see them and nothing more!"

His manager gave him a broad smile, "thank you. I already have the first candidate waiting, I will go get her." Mason nodded for his manager to do as he wished.

After Trevor had left, Mason picked up his phone to call his grandmother.

"Mason dear, how are you?" Came his grandmother's lively voice from the other side of the phone.

"I'm not happy mamma," he said in an angry tone so his grandmother would know that he truly wasn't happy.

"Is this about your grandfather sending those women to your office?"

"So you knew about it as well? How come all you are planning my fucking life for me and you don't even deem it fit to tell me about it?" Mason asked in a raised voice.

"Watch your tone when you're talking to me, young man!" His grandmother chided him.

Mason let out a long breath, "I'm sorry mamma, it's just that I wasn't happy when I came to the office this morning and found all these women here. Who even chooses a wife this way? Does grandpa think we are still in the 19th century?"

His grandmother chuckled, "I guess he is trying to make you understand how crucial it is that you get married." Mason wanted to say something but his grandmother interrupted him. "Mason, this is an important issue and you have to treat it as one, if you don't like any of the women that your grandfather chose for you, then you can bring us your own choice. I'm sure there must be one lady out there whom your heart beats for."

"There is none mamma, none!" How many times does he have to tell his folks that he wasn't in a relationship and didn't love anyone enough to marry her? Haven't they been listening to all he has been saying all this while?

"Then find someone, there must be someone out there for you."

"Mamma please you and grandpa have to stop this or I would be forced to resign from the company."

"I can't seem to hear you anymore, what did you say?" His grandmother asked.

"Mamma I said....."

"Oh Mason I can't seem to hear you anymore darling, I think the connection is poor, hello?" his grandmother said slightly raising her voice trying to fool Mason into believing the connection was truly poor.

"I love you, mamma," Mason said.

"I love you too honey."

"Mamma I thought you said....."

"Bye Mason," his grandmother ended the conversation before Mason had the chance to say something else.

Mason tossed his phone on his desk in anger as the first candidate walked in, putting on a dress that exposed half of her body, leaving nothing to the imagination.

This was going to be a really long day.