This Is Who You Choose?

Meanwhile, Maddie was busy freaking out over the dinner she was going to be having with Trevor's mother later that evening.

"Do you think my makeup is too much?" She asked Trevor for the fifth time as they both prepared to leave. She has been standing in front of the mirror for over 5minutes staring at herself wondering if she should wipe off the entire makeup on her face.

"No, Babe it's okay," Trevor replied his eyes on his shoelace which he was tying. 

"You are not even looking at my face," Maddie pouted. 

Trevor blew out a breath and raised his head to look at her face. She had already asked him the same question five minutes ago and he had told her she looked just fine. He understands that she was trying to make a good impression on his mother but he already told her not to worry too much about it. 

"Babe, you look just fine, you need to stop stressing."