Make Love To Me (1)

*songs you can listen to while reading this chapter:

"Under The Influence" by Chris Brown.

"Nirvana" by Sam Smith.


Ava walked into Mason's home office where he was working, she leaned against the door frame and watched as he was working, drinking in his beautiful features, his jaw ticked as he concentrated on the screen of his laptop, and then scribbled something on the notepad beside him.


He wasn't supposed to be working, but while they having dinner, Mason had gotten a call from Trevor regarding some documents that he required his urgent attention. And since then, Mason has been holed up in his office since then.


He was so engrossed in what he was doing that he didn't even notice her when she walked in. Ava leaned off the door frame and slowly walked over to his desk, and that was when Mason raised his head, noticing her.


"Hey…" he drawled out, closing the notepad he was earlier writing on.