Done For

The following morning, Ava woke up to find Mason's side of the bed to be empty. When She looked in the bathroom and he wasn't there, she threw on her bathrobe and went downstairs. She saw the door to his home office, slightly opened, and she could hear Mason's voice, as he spoke on the phone. The moment she entered the office, Mason quickly stopped whatever he was saying.

"I will call you back," he said to whoever was on the other side of the phone.

"Hey, good morning," he said to her with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes as he ended the call and placed his phone on his desk.

Ava noticed his knuckles were bruised. It was as if he had punched something hard with them. She couldn't remember noticing the bruises last night before she went to bed.

"Did you sleep well?" Mason asked, with his eyes on the keypad of his laptop.