With Cal living in Yookʊ̃ia, he found it easy to forget the events that had taken place 6 months prior. Cal could finally do something which meant he didn't have to suffer anymore but he knew that it could be too good to be true, he understood that there was something tragic that would befall soon and Cal had to be prepared for what would happen, "not to ruin your jam Cal but the boss has a job for us." Cal followed Scura as they went to 'No' the boss of the Yookʊ̃ian scrapyard, "we have a severe problem with the wiring units in the westside of the scrapyard I will double your pay if and I mean IF the job goes smoothly understand" both Cal and Scura accepted the request and went the west side of the scrapyard, Cal passed by some of his co-workers.

"Keep up the pace grandad" Scura laughed as Cal made that joke, "very funny but that's coming from a kid who's yet to be potty trained." Cal laughed at his joke and then stopped to look at the scrapyard, "I kind of wish I was somewhere other than here, it could do me some peace if I ever found another planet that pays well." They both went back to work and when reaching the destination, 3 highly advanced ships arrived which departed a small army of robot soldiers, both Scura and Cal watched as the working bots approached the soldiers, "you are not authorised to land here, please leave immediately." The soldiers then shot the working bots and attempted to kill Cal and Scura, "secure the boy!" It seems they were after Cal, "what did you do?" Cal knew this day would come and had to do something to prevent them from hurting anyone.

"I need you to trust me, I need you to get everybody out of safety while I'll take care of them, they are after me so I'll distract them as much as possible." Scura was both sceptical about his plan. Cal left Scura with taking the workers away from the robot's firearms, Cal was able to drive them away from the workers but for him, their numbers grew. "I should have thought this through but it's already too late." He couldn't go anywhere else and with the robots coming after him, it could be fatal, "oh no you don't!" A familiar ship came bursting in, Cal recognised the ship to be Phen's, "what are you waiting for? Get in!" Cal entered her ship and went up to the sky, the robots attempted to shoot them but they unexpectedly stopped, "what do you think they're planning?" Phen didn't want to know the answer to that question and started the ship to leave Yookʊ̃ia, "Wait! Scura's in trouble, we have to save him!" Phen was already starting the preparation, Cal stupidly jumped out of the ship and went to save his best friend, "CAL! What are you doing?" Cal grabbed Scura's hand and grabbed onto the edge but in doing so led to his hand nearly ripping off.

"Cal, don't worry about me, save yourself!" But Cal refused and attempt to climb the ledge but his arm was too weak to hold on. Cal's hand slipped and both he and Scura were falling to their death thankfully, Phen came in to rescue them both but exposed her position to the enemy and they immediately tried to shoot her down, "hold on!" Phen pressed a green button which sent them outside of the planet, "you owe me big time Cal... Cal? (Gasp) your arm."

"Don't worry about it, it's just hurting a little too much but I'll be fine I promise... What happened back there? Why were they after me?" Phen showed Cal and Scura a wanted poster, "those fleet jerks found out about your survival and want you back so they sent a bounty to whoever brings you back." Cal couldn't believe what he was hearing, the cheek of them, they first abandon Cal and now they seek to recover him, "and youre here to collect your prize?" Phen turned to Cal and punched them in the face, giving him a black eye. "If I wanted to the bounty, I would have put you in a cage, im WAS taking YOU to my house but now you brought your friend, I have to get bunk beds and it wasn't meant to be a joke. 'Autopilot on' Phen left her cockpit and mend to Cal's broken arm.

"This will stop the bleeding, for now, I have to call a medic to help you mend this arm, you know it was still a risky move saving Scura... No offence." Scura didn't seem to care, "he's been the only guy that I grew to have a friendship with." 'Intruder alert, intruder alert, there's an intruder in the ship, I repeat, there's an intruder in the ship.' Phen went to check the ship to see if there was an intruder, Phen frighteningly shot the intruder who turned out to be a soldier, "who sent you here and why?" The soldier assured her that he was no threat, "I am General 1728 also known as General Marshall, I'm General Cal's friend, I just want to talk to him." Phen grabbed him and took him to Cal, "Marshall, what are you doing here?" Marshall explained what happened after they were separated.