"So they knew of my survival but were unfortunate on finding where I was, the nerve of them," Marshall explained what happened next, "Ku changed after what happened and he forced all of us to risk our necks, he always blamed on me, 9999 threatened me in saying that he have me executed if I did anything wrong, that moment I escaped from the fleet, went into hiding." Cal couldn't believe what he heard from Marshall. 'Reaching destination in T minus four minutes.' Phen went back into the cockpit and prepared for landing, she arrived on the planet of Lenin, it was a neon a city with many of the residents having to fight and gamble, Lenin wasn't a safe planet, even when it came to dawn, the ravenous creatures that lurked in Lenin roamed free at the dawn and feast on whomever or whatever they can find.

"Dang, this place is a warzone." Phen parked her ship and went into her home, Cal, Scura and Marshall followed her inside, "wow... This is amazing, I guess being a bounty sure has its perks, don't they?" Phen showed Cal something as if he was meant to understand what it was trying to tell, "I don't understand what this means." Phen pointed Cal at a marking that matched Cal's scar on his arm but it wasn't fully accurate because the marking showed a moon-like planet that has an eye while Cal's scar only shows the shape of an eye. "What could this mean?" None of them understood what it meant, "whatever this means, there are mysteries that are yet to be uncovered." Marshall looked into a window and watched a despicable action taking place, "make sure that this one learns the consequences of running back on our deal." The crime boss left while his henchmen abandoned an innocent citizen, Marshall watched as he begged in Linychyen but it failed, a group of wolves merged from the shadows and chased the citizen as he ran helplessly.

"I know what you're going to say, why do they do this? In Lenin, life here is hell no matter who or what are or were, the city doesn't care about you and yet this city has been able to keep going after so much, it would be a miracle if we ever saw any signs of justice." Marshall rushed out of the building to help the man but he was too late, he had been decomposed into nothing, Cal went after him and seeing the body, "come on, we have work to do." Both Cal and Marshall went back inside and were getting ready for bed, hours later, a bright light came flashing into Phen's home.

"We know you're in there traitor and you have the general, surrender now and you can leave empty-handed." The fleet had found him and was willing to take Cal back, Phen told Cal and Scura to hide in the basement while both Marshall and Phen took care of the soldiers, the soldiers busted in by the windows and checked the building for Cal, "area's secured, going deeper." Phen ironically had a defence mechanism as well, 'activating have a nice day' all of the doors and windows slammed shut while the ship of the fleet was trapped with wires, the soldiers inside were being attacked by the defence mechanism and almost thirteen of the seventeen soldiers were dead, the remaining four surrendered, Phen opened the doors and planted a bomb on the ship and sent the remaining soldiers back into the ship and set them free, they escaped not realising the bomb that Phen planted, the ship exploded, "good riddance."

"We should go and check on Cal and Scura." When they went to the basement where Scura was badly wounded and bleeding eternally while Cal was nowhere to be seen, "Cal..." Scura pointed at where Cal was before "dying" in front of Phen and Marshall but he screeched as he was still alive but was still wounded, "Marshall you stay with Scura in making sure that he doesn't die while I go after Cal." Cal woke up in a prison cell and had no knowledge of what was happening, he looked around and saw that Scura, Phen and Marshall were nowhere to be seen, Cal needed to find an escape then, "Follow us!" Cal refused then a giant robot grabbed Cal and forced him out of his cell and into a giant stadium, "(groans) finally he wakes up, ladies and gentlemen, it is I, Maxwell Routh, here to present you the action and decimation of the willing contestants that wish to win 1 million Zonium and for our contestant for this show is... Cal... Cal... What's his last name?... He doesn't have one? Well, then we shall call him... Cal Sweus(Meaning Nincompoop)."

The crowd laughed as to what Maxwell called Cal, "now enough fun and games, we have a show to perform... Someone give this man a sabre... Now let the games begin!!" Pods arrived and opened showing creatures like the Lezwal (Wolf-like bee with paralysis stingers) and Armaof (Armadilloes with tails of a scorpions claws) they both came charging at Cal while Cal was running away from them, "what's this? This Sweus is nothing but a joke, it will be a nice and painful death." The Lezwal came charging when it was accidentally attacked by the Armaof, Cal took this opportunity to attack.