All Adam had wanted when he left his packhouse and hit the road around 4 pm was just to clear his head. Maybe reclaimed the strength he had lost while he had celebrated his birthday earlier that day. Not that reclaiming the strength would do anything though since he had planned to get a lady for the night. But never was accidentally killing anyone on his agenda. He looked up and saw that the woman he had nearly hit with his BMW car hadn't moved on any single bit since the car had stopped and he had been trying to get his seatbelt off.

Had he thought wrong about her? Was it that she was looking to die? Why had she chosen his car then? Why couldn't she have chosen any other car apart from his own? What if he hadn't applied the brake when he did?

His anger rose as he thought about how he would have run her over completely if he hadn't stopped his car at that moment. If she had died from his car, Adam wasn't ready to think about the consequences of the action. His body shook as his brain picked up on the radar of thought anyway. In this age and time where there are CCTV cameras and dash cameras everywhere, it would have been easier for the police to find him even if he ran.

If the police found him, then the pack's secret would no longer be safe. Everyone on Cyprus land would know that human wolves exist and judging from the little interaction Adam had with humans, he knew that they would come after his pack until they had killed every one of them. He was even sure that not just his pack would be affected, the humans would go after every wolf pack that exists in the whole world.

But about his mother and his sister if they saw the police at their doorsteps seeking him?

Dramatic as his mother was, Adam was sure the policemen who had come for the arrest would first suffer from his mother's vengeful claws. Then, she would be filled with worries for her only son and might break down from the thinking. Strong as his sister was, Adam was sure that she would also break down, that even Ian would put aside their grudge and rush to comfort her.

And why would all that be? Just because of one stupid naked woman who wanted to die but couldn't find anywhere or any other person's car to die from. He turned off the ignition of the car with anger reflection in every of his being. His wolf tried to calm him down for the first time but Adam wasn't ready to do that.

He got out of the car and saw the woman staring at her fingers as if she expected something to spring forth from them.

He looked around to be sure this wasn't a trap from the leader of the Lead Pack to rope him into something Adam would have a hard time breaking free from.

Everywhere was silent and not a single soul walked on the lonely street. The only things Adam was sure that it was sharing the street with them at that moment were the lines of bins at the corner he had turned his car from and the abandoned cars that sat by the road in a straight line, begging to be loved.

He listened with his wolf heightened hearing to see if he could pick up any unusual sound but the only sound he could hear from that part of the road was the sizzling of leaves. Then he picked up the sound from the flickering of the street lamps and swaying of the wind. But that was all. His eyes refocused on the insane woman and he spoke.

"Hey!" Adam screamed at her.

That was when her eyes focused on his. Two glassy beady black eyes stared bored into his oceanic blue one and Adam got lost in the black eyeballs. Why would someone have black eyes was the first thought that came to Adam's mind as he stared into the eyes some more. Then, he began to notice how the blackness was shining, promising whoever looked at them a life of bliss in the dark abyss if that was what they wanted.

When he could finally break free from her eyes, he looked at her hair and saw that it was bronze hair. The hair was in different knots and tangles which told Adam that they hadn't seen some water or comb in a recent time. He ignored the hair and moved to her nose. All he could say was that the nose was built in such a way that only the royals and high breeds deserve. He dropped his gaze further down.

That was when his eyes fell on her lips. The color of her lips was unbelievably purple and Adam's imagination ran wild on how hot they would be on his cock. His wolf whimpered in pleasure and he quickly cleared the thought away from his head. Only the ancient supernatural beings had the color of the lips he was currently staring at. No one had the real defined purple lips these days anymore because their ancestors had bred most of their unique traits out by getting human mates.

He looked at the lips again, half lost in his thoughts. Perhaps she had dyed her lips that color? He thought and looked at her again. He shook his head a little in amazement. Hers were purely natural and spectacular, so he knew that it wasn't dyed in any way possible. How could a human girl have such a definition of color lips? Whoever her supernatural ancestor had been, they had a strong gene transference, Adam thought.

He let himself break free from the spell her lips had cast on him and looked at the rest of her. He saw that apartment from being soaked in blood which was now drying off, there were tiny cuts around her arms and a side of her body. He felt concerned for her again and took hold of her left arm. Adrenaline rushed through him as his palm connected with her arm but he ignored it.