Her arm was too cold for Adam's likening. He shook her lightly to get her attention but she kept staring at the fingers and refused to look at him. He could tell as he saw that her wounds had closed up a little bit that apart from her inheriting her supernatural ancestor's purple lips, she had also inherited some powers from them. He sniffed at her to determine if he could tell what line of supernatural she came from but his wolf nose only picked up her woman juice.

Delicious! His wolf whispered in his head.

Shut up, she needs help. Adam reprimanded his wolf.

Before the wolf could give him any other response, Adam spoke to the woman again.

"Are you okay?" He asked her.

Sarah looked up from the fingers she had been trying to summon the nails to grow but hadn't had any success with. This human irritated her and she wanted to see the end of him.

She wanted to slash his neck open with her long and sharp claws and watch as he held the neck together in an attempt to stop the blood from flowing. Then Sarah would laugh at his indignation before punching him in the neck with her fangs and sucking him dry.

But the nails had refused to grow no matter how hard she had tried. She knew that it was because she was still weak and still needed a lot of blood to make up for the lost years of nutrients in her body. If there was one thing she was sure of this night though, it would be that she was feasting on human blood before dawn arrived, and this poky nose human was going to be her first victim.

"Are you okay, Miss?"

She heard him ask again and her anger grew. Why was he pretending as he cared about her? If it weren't for his ancestors, she wouldn't be in the mess she was in right now. If they had not thought that reporting her to her father was the best thing they could do, she would not be struggling to remain on her feet at this very moment.

Without pausing to think about how weak she was and how he could easily overpower her, she raised her hand in the air and settled it on across his face. His shocked expression gave her a little satisfaction at the moment.

To say that Adam was shocked was an understatement, he was bewildered because he had not expected the slap from the woman he was only trying to help. What the fuck is wrong with the woman? Adam thought as he fingered his burning cheek. Before he could regain himself again or say anything to her, she launched herself at him and reached for his neck.

Sarah held firm the neck of the man in front of her. She knew that she had to get through his skin to his blood before he could even comprehend what was happening, so she laced her lips on his neck and sank her fangs into his skin. Or maybe when tried to since she didn't succeed in the task.

She tried to punch holes into his neck again but it was to no avail. Her baby fangs only seemed to graze on his skin and her body began to react to the softness she felt from grazing on his skin.

At first, Adam had been surprised when the naked woman had launched herself against him. When he had felt something trying to penetrate his skin seconds later, he had been confused. When he felt something on his skin again moments later, that was when he realized that the woman was a vampire. That explained why she had glassy black eyes and purple lips.

It also explained why her wounds had closed up a little in front of him. It also explained why she had blood all over her. All of it was because she was a vampire. But she was a vampire who couldn't use her fangs for feeding, he thought as he felt the little fangs try to hurt him again.

Instead of feeling hurt though, he felt wolf sense being aware of her body. He could even smell the faint arousal she felt for him at that moment. But more than the arousal, he could smell the earth on her. He could also smell some fresh blood on her breath each time she tried to suck from him. When he couldn't take the smell anymore, he pushed her away from him.

Sarah looked at the man in front of her and saw that he had a little smile on. She went berserk in rage and rushed for his shirts. If she couldn't suck his blood, then she would steal from him to cover her nakedness. Adam held her hands to stop her from the task she had chosen upon herself and another arousal hit him.

It was at that moment a man had chosen to pass by. Adam saw that he was a man in his mid-thirties and he wore a sweatshirt that fit his muscular body. The man was on the phone with someone but he stopped talking the moment he saw Adam and the woman struggling to get rid of his tee-shirt without being asked to. The man looked from Adam to the woman, then from the woman back to Adam, and smiled. Before Adam could correct his thought, the man walked away from them and resumed his conversation with whoever he had been talking to before.

Adam focused back on the insane woman who was hell-bent on ruining his designer shirt with her bloody hands. He tried to dislodge her hands from his shirt but she held on firmly. He remembered being in the ring with Justin back in those days when he had to train hard to be the Alpha he was today.

They would always fight an endless battle until Adam won over Justin using tricks. That was how he envisioned the cat and mouse fight he was having with the naked woman to be.

Adam tried to push her away from him gently but she wasn't even moved in any way. Why the hell was she trying to drag his shirt with him anyway? Maybe she was too cold and needed a little warmth?

If that was the case, she could have asked nicely. Even without asking, Adam would have given her one from the spare be had in his car. Since he was a wolf and he might need to shift anytime, he made sure he always had spare clothes in all of his cars.

As she struggled, Adam saw her glassy black eyes filled up with pain and countless emotions he couldn't fathom. Her eyes, he noticed, were still soft even in rage.

He couldn't understand the mystery behind this woman and why he was still here with her by that time of the night when he should be on his bed sleeping or with the woman he had picked up at the club caressing her skin while she begs for mercy in total surrender under the immeasurable pleasure he would have given to her.

Adam pushed at Sarah again and this time, he succeeded in pushing her away from himself. However, when Sarah saw that she was going flat on her back, she held onto Adam's tee shirt to stop the fall, pulling him with her in the struggle.

By the time they both landed on the bare floor, desire rushed through Adam again as he noticed that his chest had landed on the woman's breasts and was still resting on them. He lifted his chest to stop the contact but that only made his cock nestle itself perfectly at the core of the woman.

Suddenly, her woman's scent enveloped Adam. He could smell the delicious scent of her arousal and he knew his wolf could smell it too. For a few seconds, his blue eyes changed from their color to the fire blue he always spotted every time he was in his wolf form. He blinked his eyes and forced the ocean blue eyes to return. His wolf whimpered in his head, begging to be released and Adam tried to shut him up by closing his eyes.

Mine!!!!!! His wolf said in a loud voice.