Mine? Adam asked his wolf.

Ours. His wolf answered again.

Before Adam could stop it, his eyes changed colors and his claws extended out. When he realized that his wolf was trying to claim the insane woman as his mate, Adam stood up and rushed away from the woman. After he calmed down a bit, he looked at the woman who his wolf had tried to claim and wondered where she had sprung up from. Hadn't the priest told him that his mate was dead? So, where did this new mate come from out of the blue?

The priest's words rang in his ears again and he shuddered at the realization that just hit him. Of course, the priest would see that his mate was not alive since she was a vampire and vampires were already dead. Little wonder his body had been oddly reacting to her ever since he saw her. He looked at her again and wondered why she had shown up when he had been so glad he wasn't getting mated anytime soon. But since fate had decided to play tricks on him, he should try to be civil to her.

"I am Adam." He finally said to her.

"Get lost," Sarah told him and walked away.

His ocean blue eyes turned to the axis where the women stayed. He knew he should be at the club where he could get a woman for the night. But his wolf kept screaming in his head to go after their mate. Hoping that he wouldn't regret his actions, Adam locked his car and went after her.

Sarah was angrier for her not being able to dig into Adam's healthy flesh that's right in front of her, than about her blunt fangs. Although the problems aided each other, the former irked her more. Sarah knew there was nothing else she was going to get from him. Useless.

She hadn't felt more insulted and embarrassed in centuries than she was in Adam's presence. What was to make of a vampire who couldn't even bite. It was frustrating for Sarah. She kept her eyes on him.

She felt a little ashamed for being naked in his presence and not being able to cover herself up with his clothes. More so, she felt ashamed for not being able to drain the life out of him as she had always been able to.

Sarah shot Adam one last death stare and headed into the woods. Not like she knew where she was headed, but she had to disappear from his sight—for the sake of her embarrassment and taint to her vampirish ego.

Adam was still on the floor, trying to process what was happening. How often does one see a naked woman jump on the street? Then she jumps at you and tries to steal your clothes. Next, she aims at your neck in a futile effort.

Sarah was very frustrated at that point. How much more miles did she have to continue walking naked till she would finally find some clothes to put on. As far as the human side of her knew, it was considered maniacal and barbaric to be wandering naked.

A chuckle escaped his lips while he watched Sarah's slim frame disappearing through the thick bushes. He stood on his feet and sat for a few minutes on the bonnet of his car.

"What the hell? What the fucking hell was that?"

There was no way she'd be his mate if he had to choose one himself, but the metaphysical and telepathic connection he felt towards her explained otherwise.

"No way "

He wondered if he should follow her into the woods to find out more about her or at least get some answers. It was not his brain this time, it was his alpha instincts pushing him.

Adam was skeptical about what his instincts were telling him to do. Should I follow her? Dang! He didn't want to leave an impression that he was interested in her or something.

His eyes zoomed in and out of the narrow path into the woods. He suspended his thoughts for a while and headed in the direction Sarah had just dashed. It wasn't his first time chasing after someone in the woods, certainly not going to be his last time either. In less than a few minutes, his swift limbs had caught up with the bronze haired.

She stopped in her tracks and turned. She hated him, even more, more now that he's following her...sonofa... Her beady eyes glared at him with so much dislike.

"Why the fuck are you following me, huh?"

Adam had slowed down, he was walking towards her in slow but steady steps, keeping eye contact. He needed answers, and he wouldn't be at peace if he didn't get them that instant.

"I said, why are you following me?" Sarah bellowed. Her pale face was getting some blood rush now, making them a little pink. Her bronze shoulder-length hair shone even though the sun was close to setting for dusk.

Adam didn't reply to her question, he looked in different directions instead.

"Are you dumb? Can you not hear? Or should I rip your tongue out for you to see?"

Honestly, Adam had no answers. He didn't know what to ask or what to say to her, or why he followed her into the woods. When Adam didn't answer her question, she turned and continued ambulating deeper into the woods.

Adam stood for a while and watched her leave. Soon, he was after her again. This time, Sarah didn't turn to ask him any questions. She yanked a sharp branch off a nearby Honey locust tree and aimed for Adam's jugular vein, catching the 25-year-old unawares.

She looked right into his ocean blue eyes, that she could see the reflection of her naked self in them, reminding her state, but she brushed the thought off.

"If I can't dig into your neck, this will do the work for me okay?" She seethed, maintaining eye contact with her soon-to-be prey.

Her breath reeked and it stung Adam in the nose. He twitched his nose because of the smell and looked away from her.

Sarah, realizing that her breath was reeking. She felt embarrassed again but pretended not to be. She wasn't done threatening him just yet.

"Answer me!"