Chapter 18- Rides

What's the best about theme parks? Is it their good service? Or was it because of their reputation? Or even the number of rides and places it has? Well, if you ask Tanaka who loved to go to theme parks, the best thing about theme parks is their rides!




Chaotic types of reactions can be heard from the roller coaster which was named Heaven to hell, and just like its name says, the ride felt like you were falling from heaven and going to hell, Tanaka looked from the bench as he watched the brave soldiers who dared to try this roller coaster that was as tall as a mountain and as fast as an f1.

Just looking at it made everyone who watched it have their hairs standing as how fierce it was, even though the safety was guaranteed, Tanaka couldn't help but still feel a little scared but after watching for a while, an idea came up to his mind.

"Maybe I could recreate an amazing VR theme park in the future, well, maybe a little more into the future"

Tanaka remembered that VR hasn't fully recreated all senses yet and as of now, only hearing vision, and body realism was the only available ones, it could be said that the VR technology in this world is in infancy now but from how fast technology is improving, it might only take 2 or 3 years for VR to recreate all senses.

It didn't take long for the ride to the end and all of the members got out of the cart, all of their hair was in a mess and they were smiling widely as if they were high.

Tanaka: "You guys look like you were having a blast"

Ishigami replied with a big smile on his face: "You have no idea!"

The others who also went for the ride nodded in unison.

"Well, I guess it's our turn"

Tanaka said as he turned towards the next group that was going for the next ride, respective, Shirogane, Shinomiya, Masuzu, Naoto, Nagatoro, and Tanaka.

"I-i think I will pass"

Naoto pushed his glasses up as he stuttered with his words.

"Come on Senpai! Man up ehehe"

Nagatoro slapped Naoto on the back before pulling him to the coaster despite his unwillingness he tried to resist but Naoto is just weak and Nagatoro easily pulled him, after they got in, next is Shirogane and Shinomiya.

Shinomiya had a little smile on her face and Shirogane was as stiff as an iron rod as he walked like he was marching towards his death, meanwhile, Tanaka turned to Masuzu.

Tanaka: "Ladies first"

Masuzu: "You can go, first gentleman"

Tanaka: "No, that will be rude, I am giving you the best seat you know"

Tanaka smiled, they were at the very front of the rollercoaster.

Masuzu and Tanaka didn't back down from each other and tried to let another go in first and in the end, they decided to finish it with a rock paper scissors game.

"Saisho wa guu! janken pon!"

Tanaka - Scissors

Masuzu - Paper.

"Now my lady"

Tanaka bowed like a butler letting the lady go first, Masuzu sighed in defeat before entering, Tanaka followed after her, and they both put on their safety belt and other safety measures, Tanaka doubled checked Masuzu's safety before turning to his and also reminded the others.

Even though Tanaka is a little playful sometimes, he still cared for the safety of the others so when it comes to safety, he was more serious, after making sure that everything was okay, the ride finally started.

The roller coaster started slowly as it climbed up the high railings that extended up to the clouds, Tanaka took a deep breath while Masuzu was excited that she extended her hand and grabbed Tanaka's unknowingly, Shirogane turned into a buddha as he prayed, while Naoto is going to faint any moment now.

Tanaka felt his senses heightened as they got nearer and nearer to the peak, he wanted to shout already, just then it reached the peak, and when Tanaka thought everything was about to go down, it actually stopped.

Everyone on the ride became confused.

"Huh?What happe-ah"

Naoto thought that the ride became busted and it would be stopped but as he was just about to finish his words, he felt his soul left his body, no, literally, he felt his soul leave his body for a split second before in the next moment, the ride started.


The wind brushed on their faces as it moved very fast, Naoto already fainted as it was falling and Tanaka was stiff as he didn't even notice that he was holding Masuzu's hand, they were all screaming loudly as if they were being possessed by a ghost or something.

Shirogane was already chanting mantras as they fell and Shinomiya was screaming loudly as she never felt this kind of excitement before, Nagatoro was also screaming loudly while trying to wake up Naoto who fainted.

The ride continued for about 3 more minutes before it finally stopped, throughout the ride, there was never a boring moment, just when you thought you got used to the ride, there will be a sudden circle or even another free drop, all in all, Tanaka rated the roller coaster 10 out of 10, it was the best rollercoaster ride he ever had in his life.

They didn't go to the next ride immediately but decided to have a little bit of ice cream break. Sitting in front of an ice cream truck, the group chatted with each other telling about how their experience went.

"And then Hachiman woke up and fainted, again and again, it was funny haha!"

"You are the one to say! You were holding the bar so hard that it was almost crushed! You were even screaming like a girl!"

Hachiman and Ishigami tried to tell stories about their embarrassing moments in the ride, though, no insults, just pure fun.

Meanwhile, the atmosphere between Masuzu and Tanaka was a little awkward, as they only noticed they were holding hands when the ride ended, they were both blushing and didn't know what to say to each other.

Shinomiya was excitedly talking with Chika and Shirogane about her experience and that she had never tried a rollercoaster before, she even wanted to go again but was stopped by the others as they already felt like they were scared half to death from that ride and if they go again, they will really die fully this time.

The break finished the group went to their next ride, the Kamikaze ride, With a hammer-like look, the Kamikaze is a pendulum that swings back and forth in a massive sweeping motion. Passenger cars are located on the end, where the g-forces are highest.

The group this time didn't go in groups but all went in at the same time, the ride was fairly big to accommodate all of them, after wearing their safety belts, and the seats were filled, the ride started.

The ride started with the Kamikaze swinging at a full speed before it slowly started to gain force a moment later, they were already swinging up and down, the ride wasn't as scary as the rollercoaster.

But it was certainly thrilling as they felt like they were defying gravity as the Kamikaze started spinning around.

After that, the group continued to their next play and it was a horror house, Tanaka this time was much more relaxed, it wasn't as scary as it looks but the girls were still scared, while they were going around so, so Tanaka felt like the ghosts were lacking, it was more like it was too predictable, he had made quite some horror games from his past life and he learned from a lot of experts who knew psychology.

So he knew where things like the best way to scare people and where the jumpscares will appear.

"Hmm, maybe if this was Augmented Reality, it would be more exciting"

Tanaka suddenly thought of an idea, Augmented Reality or also known as "AR" Unlike virtual reality (VR), which creates a totally artificial environment, AR users experience a real-world environment with generated perceptual information overlaid on top of it.

And using this technology made Tanaka have some ideas, though, it was only an idea for now as unlike VR, AR didn't really receive any boosts on it and remained the same, it was like Pokemon Go but much worse.

Tanaka sighed before they were finally able to reach the exit of the horror house, everyone panted as they were really scared of the horror house except for Tanaka.

Tanaka let the others rest while he looked around for their next destination until his eyes landed on a certain building.

"Hmm, how about we try Escape House next?"

Tanaka suggested that he was actually quite interested in Escape houses, Once locked in the playroom, participants, young and old, must work together to explore the area, find clues, solve puzzles, and take part in challenges that will allow them, step by step, to progress in the game and escape before the end of the countdown, there is also some actors who play as monsters who interrupt players and chase them around for a certain period of time before leaving the player letting them proceed.

This was much better than horror house because the actors acted on their own accord, there was no script, just them having fun as they chased around the participants, they are even allowed to prank the others but not hurt them, and participants are also not allowed to hurt the actors..

The gang looked at the Escape house and when they saw it they shuddered, it was another horror house, they were already on the verge of peeing themselves in the horror house and now they are about to go to another one. What a way to kill someone!

"No! Let's go for another ride first!"

Ishigami immediately suggested as he couldn't really go for another horror house and he looked at Tanaka who wasn't fazed at the horror house at all, he knew Tanaka was good at controlling his emotions and staying calm in a lot of times so he knew horror house wasn't really that scary for Tanaka.

The group then went to their next destination and instead of going for a ride, they actually found something better, to reach that place, they needed to take a zipline towards an artificial cliff before they reached the place.

Yes, what they are going for this time is Bungee jumping, also spelled bungy jumping, is an activity that involves a person jumping from a great height while connected to a large elastic cord. The launching pad is usually erected on a tall structure such as a building or crane, a bridge across a deep ravine, or on a natural geographic feature such as a cliff.

And since only one person can go at a time and no one in the group wanted to go first, they decided to go with a jar full of folded papers, and inside those papers were numbered, everyone picked their papers, and when they saw their numbers some cheered while some sighed.

They then all prayed to Shirogane who picked number 1 as he will be the sacrificial lamb, Shirogane was helpless as the cord and safety equipment were strapped to him, it didn't take long as everything was ready.

"Is everything really safe now?"

Shirogane asked with uncertainty.

"Yes, everything is safe now"

The employee said with a smile.


Something dropped on the ground, Everyone turned their heads towards the ground and saw a small screw.


The employee said before pressing a button and letting Shirogane fall, but his eyes never left the screw on the employee's hands as he fell to the ground.


Shirogane yelled as loud as he can while the others shuddered from the prank that the employee did as they saw the screw actually came from the employee's pocket, this was a very scary prank to them and almost made their hearts drop.