Chapter 20: Eye of the Storm

[ —Callum ]

Callum hastened outside his small cabin. Rain fell in torrents, pummeling the deck with large pellets that sounded like drumbeats as they landed. The wind was blowing so hard that it bludgeoned, billowed, and howled menacingly. The crew was hollering at one another to make their voice heard. Callum veered his gaze into the sky. Lightning and thunder have begun to show themselves from the dark clouds that have turned and congregated above them.

Sailing the seas is not always easy and sunny. The weather can be very unpredictable at all times and right now. It seems like they are going to sail through a violent storm. The ship was being buffeted by the strong winds, and a wall of water washed up onto the deck, which resulted in all of the empty barrels being tossed overboard. Some of the new crew members that had just joined him on his ship appeared to be in a state of panic, as they were fleeing and grabbing onto anything they could get a hold of.