Chapter 88: Silverfrost Harbor

[ —Callum]

Silverfrost Harbor is unlike any other port they had been to. There was no rowdy throng of people going on about their business on the frosty road. No stalls lining up along the coast trading goods. No cages, no slaves. There was nothing there but a desolate landscape covered in a thick layer of ice and fog.

Except for the houses purely made out of stones which stood out in stark contrast to the bluish-silvery hue of the ice. It seems that the civilization once occupied here had been long gone and left this place abandoned. Pointed icicles hanging down dangerously from roofs.

It was very quiet, almost eerily so. Only the sound of their crunching footsteps on the ice and the whistling wind from the mountains of ice can be heard. If one didn't know much better, certainly they would immediately think that this place is barren of any life.