Chapter 103: Tomb


The dragon pointed its snout at my chest where my amulet glowing brightly. Its iridescent eyes leveled with mine, perplexity shone on them.

"Læppa râd endebyrdnes." [Piece of fate] He repeated the foreign language, which I have no idea what he was talking about. First, it enunciated the amulet, and I'm pretty sure it called me weak. Then, it questioned why the amulet had chosen me to be its bearer, saying that it could have chosen anyone else. I am not aware of the response to that question either. One of the primary justifications for my presence here is that.

Moving its massive head up to the ceiling while I only followed its motion with my eyes. Afraid that in one false move, it would kill me. I can't for the life of me figure out how he wriggled his way into this claustrophobic space with all of those conical icicles.