
I wonder what she wants to teach me, but I'll find out in a moment.

Julie takes me to a room I've never been in before, there are weapons and mannequins I guess it must be their training room.

"I'd like to see your fighting skills." she goes and takes a dagger and gives it to me.

"I wouldn't want anyone to hurt you." She said with a sad smile.

"Well I'll show you what I can do then." I prepare to attack her.

"It's not me you'll be training against, but Izzy, she's far more experienced in combat than I am." She opens the door and Izzy comes to join us.

"You'd better tie your hair up Lilith," says Izzy, it's really not usual for her to call me by my first name, but I take her advice and tie my hair up.

"Don't hold back, both of you, I want to see what Lilith can do in battle." I'm not someone who really like to fight, but at least I can protect myself of basics attack.

We each stand on one side and wait for Julie's signal.

"Here we go," says Julie.

I wait a bit because I want Izzy to be the one to launch the first attack. I breathe for a moment before Izzy launches the attack, this time she is much slower than the last, I had no trouble dodging her attack, can someone be that slow after few month.

"Well done. I didn't think you could dodge my attack." I took advantage of the fact that she was unfocused to attack her, I advanced as quickly as possible towards her and with a simple kick I knocked her to the ground and put myself on top of her then blew one of my hairs that had come loose.

I really feel like Izzy is letting me win. I'm about to get up when Izzy reverses our position, and I'm underneath her, and she's on top of me.

"You've let your guard down, sweetheart ." Izzy laughs and says, "What would happen if someone tried to hurt you?"

"You're the one who broke my concentration." It's only now that I realize where we are, I can feel her breathing on me and her eyes haven't let go of my lips since earlier.

"Well that's enough now you can get up." I have the impression that she did not want to let the training go on for so long. Izzy and I get up.

"You're really good at defending yourself Lilith, you'll probably defend yourself if someone attacks you, and you Izzy stop taking advantage of every situation to flirt with Lilith, you should do that kind of thing in private. Julie sighs, but I'm embarrassed just thinking about our position earlier, I look at Izzy, and she looks satisfied with her move.

"You can go, Izzy, I don't need you any more," says Julie as she pushes Izzy out the door.

"But Mum I can still be of use to you" Too late Julie led her out of the room and closed the door.

"Well now it's just you and me." This atmosphere is rather stressful, and I wonder what we are going to do.

"Well, sit down and let's talk about you." I come and sit next to her.

"Do you want to talk about me?" I'm not really used to this kind of attention. It used to be that this kind of attention was only for Lise, so it feels a bit weird to talk about myself all of a sudden.

"I would like you to tell me about your love life, your life in general and your life as a princess."

"Well I've never really been in love with anyone, I've always found the men in my kingdom to be unimportant and I've never had a boyfriend, I've never found them to be worthless. Being a princess, I didn't really have the life I wanted, there always had to be someone to look after me, then one day when I was 12 I found Lillie in the forest and decided to keep her. "

"If I understand everything correctly, you never had your first kiss?" It's even more embarrassing now, I've never kissed anyone before.

"Yes, but please don't tell anyone," she laughs at my embarrassment.

"And here I thought it was only Izzy who'd never had a first kiss, well that's funny."

"For real !!?" I'm surprised how can Izzy who is so flirtatious had never had her first kiss.

"I must say that there weren't really people her age here and she used to be alone most of her time and now she spend a lot of her time with you it could have been great if she have know you since you were kid."

"No it couldn't have been me, I spent my whole childhood in my castle because my father thought the outside world was far too dangerous for me. » At least he cared about me, that what I miss him for.

" For lunchtime we will the visit of my mother. She is nice but she kind of too energetic so be careful . " I really like people like that, hope I will get along with her.

I continue my training until it's time to eat. Me and Julie head up to eat and like she told there was someone that I don't know, and she come near me and watch me carefully. That woman is very small just like a child, she has white short hair and red eyes.

" You are Izzy girlfriend, don't you ? " Why everyone has to think that, I'm not even in love with Izzy

" No. I'm not her girlfriend, I'm just her friend. " I said trying to be convincing .

" It's okay you can call me grandma you know, you're so beautiful. " She grab my face in her hand. I look at Izzy, so she can help me but look like she can't do anything for me.

" Izzy. How can you be so blind and not being dating that girl, she looks so perfect. " This grandma is really something I think that with her were going to have a lot of fun.

" Grandma, she doesn't have feeling for me. " She fake to be crying, and I hit her.

"See your already acting like an old couple . " Said grandma laughing.

We finish eating in a good with grandma telling me some story about demon and that was really interesting.

"Lilith this afternoon I want you to come with me . " That weird why is she asking me that ?

" Yes, but where are we going ? " I say while eating

" I just want to show you something but be prepared , take a weapon with you because it could be dangerous . "

" Can I come with you ? " Said Izzy

"No Izzy you stay here , we don't need your help for this . " Izzy look disappointed, but we can do nothing about it.

Sorry for the spellings mistakes.