
1 hour later we were ready with bags and food. I really hope everything goes well, but I wonder what will happen to me. I'm about to leave my room when Izzy comes in.

" Be careful, I won't be there to protect you this time if something happens to you " she seems really worried about me, and it really touches me to hear that.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." After all, I'm strong.

Izzy takes me in her arms, and she holds me really tight as if I'm not going to come back.

"I'm only going to be gone for a few hours, Izzy, it's going to be fine." She steps back and takes my hand.

" Yes, we'll see you when you get back and my grandma is crazy so be careful." She moves towards my lips, I feel my breathing quicken, I blush, and then at the last moment she kisses my cheek and leaves.

I'd have preferred her to kiss me, but I wouldn't tell her that, so I watch her leave my room before I do the same to go and join Grandma.

" Can Lilie come with us please . " I asked, and then I look at Lilie, but she run away, why is she like that. Since we arrive here it's like she don't want to get out of my room like she is afraid or something like that.

"Let's go Lilith, I hope you have stamina because we're going to walk for a long time. "She may be old, but I really think she's in better shape than me.

"Yes, we can go."

We leave the castle and I try to walk at the same speed as her, but she walks fast for an old woman, I wouldn't overestimate her now.

"Go faster even my mother would walk faster than you anyway." I catch up with her, but I'm a bit out of breath.

"It was you who was walking much faster than me," I breathed a little more slowly and then watched her complain about me.

"It's only been ten minutes since we started walking anyway." What? It's only been ten minutes, it feels like we've been walking for hours.

Ever since we left the castle we've only been on paths that were complicated with slopes and rocks, and now we're facing a mountain, what have I done to deserve this. We finally stopped and I'm really happy.

"Lilith, we're going to climb that mountain." What's wrong with her? We'll never make it.

"We didn't bring any equipment for that," I say.

"It's all right, you'll make it with your bare hands, but just take these gloves." She hands me the gloves and I take them.

"How can I do that? There's two of us, I'll remind you." She looks at me and laughs.

"I'm a demon, I can fly and reach the top of the mountain easily, you know. "

"Why don't you carry me so I can reach the top faster? "

"No sorry but my back is hurting I can't help you." she holds her back to make it look like it's hurting

"I'll see you at the top." demon wings appear on her back and she flies off and leaves me at the bottom of the mountain.

"Wait you can't leave without me anyway." I have tears in my eyes and then I should surely have expected this with this crazy old woman.

I take a deep breath and put on the gloves she gave me.

"Well, I'll probably pass this test." I start to climb, grabbing the biggest rock but it's really complicated. The most important thing is not to look at the void, of course I end up looking down, and it scares me, but my stomach is rumbling.

She has taken the food with her as well, what a dilemma. I continue to climb and after at least two hours I finally get to the top and lie down to recover from the long effort.

"Oh, I almost forgot about you Lilith, I thought you were dead." You Witch, how could you do this to me and forget about me?

"There's still some food left, I hope."

"No, sorry, I've already eaten it all, maybe if you'd been quicker you could have had some too, but it was very good." I'm going to kill her, I can't believe it.

"What am I going to eat? I've risked my life just because of you." This old woman is starting to get on my nerve!

"Look around you, there's plenty of good stuff, fruit, animals, and I'm sure you know how to light a campfire."

I stand up and look around and see some animals, but I have nothing to hunt with and even if I had the equipment I wouldn't do it, I can't bring myself to kill living things.

I think I'll stick to fruit, I start picking fruit, and then I sit down and start eating it, little by little animals start joining me and I give them some of what I've picked.

"The break is over, now get up Lilith, let's go." I can't take it anymore, I should have stayed in the castle.

"We're going back to the castle." Maybe we're going back to the castle.

"No, not yet, we've got somewhere to be before we go back." And here I thought we could go back to the castle, what a disappointment.

I follow her and this time we arrive in a cave. Is she going to kill me without anyone noticing?

"Focus Lilith, you'll have to fight." What the hell is she talking about? I didn't sign up for this.

"Who am I going to have to fight?" I'm too worried about this story.

"Well, you'll have to fight a monster, but I can't help you. I'll see you when you get out of this cave." She pushes me into the cave and then strangely the hole closes.

Why does this kind of thing only happen to me? I'll get my revenge on that old lady later, but in the meantime I'll have to find a way out of this cave.

I walk for a few minutes, but I have the feeling that I will never find the way out of this cave. Suddenly something comes towards me, but I dodge it just in time, I look up and see that it's me. It's really very strange.

"Are you the monster of this cave ?"

"No, absolutely not, I'm you."

"You can't be me because I'm me."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Of course I'm the real Lilith." I answer frankly, it's not complicated at all.

"Prove to me that you're you, I'll ask you questions and every time your answer is wrong you'll get an electric shock." Why me?

"And why should I do what you ask me to do?" Well, yes, I'd better find my way out than stay here.

"I'll let you out of this cave if you answer my three questions correctly."

"Well, I accept, you can start whenever you want." It's not like I'm gonna lose.

"First question, what's your name?" It's really as easy as that.

"My name is Lilith." I'm going to come out of this cave quicker than I thought I would with that kind of question.

"Good answer. Second question, are you a princess?"

"Yes, I am the Princess of Elspeth." Well, I was.

"Good answer. And now the last question, who are you in love with?" What kind of question is that, and I don't love anyone.

"The answer Izzy." I say serenely.

"Wrong answer." I get an electric shock.

"Ouch." It really hurts.

"Answer my question again and you'll be free to leave right after, so who are you in love with?"

" I love Izzy" I said.

"Wrong answer." I get another electric shock "Just answer my question and you will be free ."

"I love the girl I met in the forest?"

" Good answer you can now leave the cave." the hole finally opens but before leaving the monster takes his shape, and it's a huge dragon.

"Well done, I didn't think you would tell me who you were in love with. "

"Yes, but at least no one heard me and that's the best part." I'm about to leave when the dragon stops me.

"Take this with you." He hands me a bow without arrows.

"How am I supposed to use this?"

"Well, you're not human, Lilith."

Sorry for the spelling mistakes.