

Silence befalled the court once again. The king could not help but joke angrily about the attitude his queen was portraying. He was infuriated, but with nothing to say he could fell his heart clenching inside his heart.

Her eyes, sorrowful highlighting the truth of her abandoned soul, she wasn't the woman he fell in love with anymore. She wasn't the woman who he could proudly call as his queen.

She was the criminal, a perfectly painted criminal in his eyes. And there was no amout of clarification and love that he could pay to discount her of her crimes. Time was gone, and the present situation was the proof of his decision. 

His decision to get a solution to all the misfortune that had befallen his rule and his kingdom of Kuravos.

"Ha. You are still presumptuous as ever Queen Ursula. But beware for the sins you have committed are now coming back to haunt you." His eyes showed no mercy and neither was she demanding any.