
Chp. 114

What makes power so sweet? 

What makes power so desirable?

Is it the idea that there will be nothing else other than the thing, the one thing existing in front to the eyes? Or perhaps it is the very idea that life can improve in all the ways, all the existing ways possible, so may it be after snatching someone else's life.

The idea of the oozing out sweet scent due to which, power, easily seems as calming as the glass of cool water to the one who had been lost in the desert for eternity. His goal had been defined for a long time.

There was a small, a big and massive even plans that Belford D'Azure was ready to put in place to make the game work from his side. The hunger and the greed was only increasing, and Belford didn't seem to have any problem turning from man to a monster for this very thing.