41: Clash of bodies - part 1

"I'll make sure to carve myself on your body. You'll crave for me once we're done." Was what Rita had promised.

Her words sounded confident but her technique left much to be desired.

Rita's lips were demanding. Her tongue was hot and wet inside Aurora's mouth. It was a struggle to get the younger one to calm down.

Aurora tried to get Rita to calm down and slow her pace. But Rita did not seem to appreciate her gesture.

"S-Slow down. You are g-going too fast." Aurora complained but her body seem to be enjoying the attention.

Her lower half especially appreciated the attention it was getting from Rita.

"Are you sure you want me to slow down? Your body seems to have a different idea." Rita's tone was teasing. But the younger sounded out of breath.

Aurora's body reacted as soon as she felt hands near her lower lips. The friction felt good.

She was too wet and hot to think properly.