42: Clash of bodies - part 2

"Look. I am aware that you do not trust me. But you can tell that I am not lying when I say that I want to help Aurora, right?" Ava asked.

Aurora gave out an audible sound behind her.

"Ava. H-Help me out." Aurora panted softly. Rita's eyes softened just a bit at Aurora's soft actions.

But once they turned toward Ava, they were hard and piercing once again.

"I don't trust an abyss scum like you. But since Aurora is willing to trust you, I won't go against her. However, you do not get to touch her. Tell me what you need me to do." Rita clenched Aurora's arm tighter when she pulled her closer.

Rita did not like the look in the snake's eyes. She looked at Aurora as an investor looking at a profitable investment.

"Alright. Suit yourself. As long as Aurora lives long enough to serve her purpose, I am happy." Ava spoke.

Her light words caused Rita to growl out.