43: An unexpected request

"Ava, why did you do that? You could have caused a huge problem for us." The first thing Aurora did when she felt her mind return to her was ask Ava.

"I told you. It was not my intention to drug you. I was not even aware that my venom could affect a goddess. I just wanted to ease tension between you and your companion." Ava explained.

"And you thought making me horny was the best way to do this?" Aurora questioned.

Ava did not see what the big deal was. Goddesses she had seen before liked to indulge in these acts to increase their powers.

Surely there was no need to make a big deal out of it?

"There was an attraction between you both. I just sped up the process for what would eventually end up happening. Is there a need to make such a big fuss about it?" Ava questioned.

Aurora could see the confusion and stubbornness in Ava's aura. She instantly knew that this conversation was not going to go anywhere.