44: The plan

"They're gone now. You are free to discuss the dragon egg with." Aurora informed Astoria as she took a seat.

"I-What? How do you know about that? I m-mean, you are wrong about it being a dragon egg." Astoria sounded flushed as she tried to shush Aurora. Aurora found her attempt quite amusing.

But it did not matter in the end.

Even if Astoria had managed to lie successfully, her nervousness would have given her away.

"There is no point in hiding that egg. I already know about it. So why don't we discuss the reason you want to go after it now." Aurora questioned.

She did remember something about a dragon egg being stolen in the previous timeline. But neither she nor Clove had been part of the retrieval team.

In the end, the egg had disappeared for a long time. It had never been seen since then.

Aurora was sure that the egg had never hatched at all in her previous lifetime. And now she knew where the egg had disappeared to.