45: Service Maid?

As soon as Aurora reached the room, she bolted the door shut with as much force as she could.

The feeling of oppressive eyes of the female guard checking her out was among Aurora's most oppressive feelings Aurora had felt.

She was far from shy in her real body. But the fear of being discovered by a guard in her current attire terrified the goddess.

'Must be all the heavy aura filling the tower. Those gods and goddesses are not even trying to hide their powers." In other words, they were too proud to hide.

Aurora decided to stay in the room for an hour before deciding to explore again. The main reason behind this was to give the female guards time.

Time to get over Aurora and provide her with a window to leave.

Aurora did not want to invoke her potential trump card just yet.

"Here goes nothing." Aurora opened the door and forced a loud yelp down. Her face was too close to an eager Maid girl standing on the other side of the door.