46: That powerful presence

"Falling in love? That half-breed. Don't joke about that. Beasts like you and her do not know what love is. All you know is the feeling of obsession." Everyone held their breath as the long-haired God blinked.

And then he smiled the most vicious smile before separating the other god's head from his body.

"Now, now. Be careful about what you say to me, old man Zenith. You might just lose your head for real." The elder God gulped as his head was handed back to his body.

Karan had left the elder god with no face to save. And even the mortal people in the room could see that.

"So what they say is true.", " All gods are not born equal.", "I heard that gods can die as well. Maybe Karan will finally get fed up enough to end the old master for us."

The more gossip they reached Zenith's ears, the more he raged about it.

"Stop speaking nonsense. Go back to your work if you have nothing else to do." Zenith's harsh words caused people to disperse.