47: Trust? I think not!

"M-My lord? Ah, I mean, Lord Karan. Shouldn't you be in the meeting? Lady Astoria just left for it. I can take her guest to his room." The female guard tried to reason.

Her words sounded reasonable. But unfortunately for her, she was barking up the wrong tree.

Her body refused to cooperate once the good locked his terrifying stare on her face. It was a gentle smile that was aimed at her but she still felt like an animal being caught by a predator.

"The meeting? You're right. There is still that meeting but I don't want to go. Why don't you go and deliver my message to that old hag Minerva? Tell that old hag word for word - I am not coming and that old hag cannot make me." The God behind Aurora spoke calmly.

But the female guard went from pale to ashes.

"I can't do that. I-I'll be killed. P-Please my lord, have mercy on me." As much as the female guard has irritated Aurora, her fear felt genuine.

Feeling her fear was going to make Aurora sick.