158: The Auction house - part 1

Rita's startled look at the sudden kiss brought a laugh to Aurora's face. Rita was making such an interesting face that Aurora could not help but pull her back into another kiss.

"H-Hey, what are you doing? I thought you said that you will not do anything."

Aurora could not help but compare Rita to an offended cat. A big and fluffy, red-haired cat that had been offended by Aurora was trying to hiss at her to hide her discomfort.

"But I didn't jump you, I just pulled you into a kiss. That is not the same thing, right?"

"No, it's not. But that is not the point. I will end up getting hard again if you do that and we do not have time for this."

Aurora wanted to tease Rita more but her words made Aurora sober up. Rita was right when she said that they did not have time. The auction would start in under an hour and Aurora still needed to get ready.

They still needed to acquire their items for the auction from the meeting spot and then head to the main location.