159: The rare treasure

Everyone looked excited at the news of a 'special' item appearing in today's auction. Aurora had noticed that there were more people in attendance today than there was any other time she had been in an auction.

"Wow, people look excited. Do you think we will be able to get something good today? Since we don't have a lot of money."

Rita sounded excited but scared at the same time. She must be thinking of stealing something if they were not able to buy it outright.

Not that it was a problem for Aurora. After all, the main currency of this abyss was not coins or money. It was magic and energy.

Aurora was sure that she could outclass everyone in this auction if she wanted to do so. She did not even have to try very hard to win everything.

But she did not want to stand out and make herself a target of these jealous people.

"Rita, tell me if anything catches your fancy. I will surely get it for you. But only one thing since I don't want to stand out."