195: Declaration

"Ah, did you manage to get all your frustration out? Then, we should head back to the surface now. We have a lot of work to do."

Aurora found herself not being able to look Ava in the face. She knew that it was not Ava's fault that such a situation had occurred but Aurora still found herself angry at the outlooker.

'She could have helped us and this all would not have happened.' The thought plagued Aurora's mind before she shook it off.

Even she knew that Ava could not have acted as she liked in another's territory. It was stupid of Aurora to expect the outlooker to risk her life for Natasha's sake.

"Oh, and before I forget! Here, this is the locket we came down here for. You will be able to hide your aura with the hold of this locket."

Aurora could not bring herself to take the locket from Ava's hands. It felt heavy to even look at. All Aurora wanted to do was to throw it as far as she could and never see it again.