196: The inspection

It was finally the day for the council delegates to step into the academy. The party that had been readied to receive those important guests was also chosen.

As per the norms, Rex would be heading the party along with Astoria. Rita had also taken the initiative to head out with them while Aurora chose to stay behind.

Initially, Aurora had wanted to go as well but it would have left the academy without anyone to look after it.

There was too much risk involved if Aurora decided to take off and the academy was attacked in the meanwhile.

They did have soldiers to take care of the attack and their students were also taught how to take care of themselves but that was beside the point.

"Have fun and make sure you maintain a civil approach. And I mean you, Rex. Do not let your temper fly."

Aurora was hesitant to send Rex out to meet his stepmother. He did not have the best relationship with Lady Violet but the customs called for him to go.