228: A successful Kidnap? [pt1]

"I think I should have reported someone who is here to create chaos but since Lady Asami gave me such a special gift I think I would forgive her. It is not every day one gets to lay their hands on a goddess's corps."

Ava walked through the uneven cave where Mei's dead body lay.

The body no longer belonged to a young and vibrant lady but lay between a sword formation and was not old and withered. It was a pity to see her in such a state when the goddess had been so full of spirits just a moment before.

"Such a pity that not even your hair survived once your core was removed. You are in such a sorry state. But don't worry, I will help you fix it."

"After all, you are a very important specimen for me."

Ava laid her hand on Mei's dead chest and light shot out from her body. It surrounded Mei's dead body and slowly it recovered to its former state.

There was not a single flaw on that beautiful face left but there was no life in that body either. It was just a well-rested corps.