229: A successful Kidnap? [pt2]

"Well, hello there. Where did you come from and what is your name? Don't be afraid of me, I am just a small-time merchant. You can call me Asami."

Asami extended her hand out toward the boy who has accompanied his sister. The glazed-over look in the girl's eyes was a clear indicator of her being under a strong influence.

The locket that was warped around her neck shined with a light red glow which indicated that she was currently dreaming and her body was being controlled.

But that was not something her brother was going to know just yet. Especially not with the weak magical aura he had.

"What are you doing here? What do you want with my sister? Why did she come out to meet you in the middle of the night?"

'Kid, you need to slow down your questions. Do you think I want to answer you if keep on behaving like this?'

Asami's thoughts were not in the children's favor but she only smiled outwardly. She did like people who tried to go beyond their station and achieve something more.