240: It's ridiculous [pt2]

"Joseph? Why in the world are you here?"

As expected, the kid did not answer her. He was in no condition to open his mouth and speak which was a shame.

His presence here was making Aurora curious about what had happened outside while she had been held captive. Was the Rocx academy ok? Was Joseph the only one who was brought here along with Aurora? Or were there more people here?

All of a sudden, it had become extremely important to take Joseph up and interrogate him about why he was here.

"Oi Joseph, wake up. I need you to tell me how you ended up here."

Aurora tried to wake the kid up but he kept on sleeping anyway. It did not look like he was going to wake up anytime soon.

The spore used on him was potent but Aurora had no way of knowing that. All she could assume was that the worst had happened and the kid was in a suspended state of unconsciousness.