241: Deeper into the palace [pt1]

The rising tension caused the two figures standing in the center to tense up. And Aurora, caught in the middle, had to witness their clash.

She barely managed to get out of the range of their first attack when the second stronger ones clashed with each other.

It was a complete mess of firepower and Aurora was the unwilling victim caught in the middle. The other two were already behaving like rabid animals as if not even aware that she was even standing in front of them.

At this rate, Aurora would get killed off in the middle of this brawl and no one would be wiser.

The earth rose to protect her body but the wind blades Asami created managed to tear her defenses apart quite easily. The water rose to protect her from the vicious attack but it was unable to retain its shape either.

Karan's usual patience was nowhere to be seen. Instead, he was growling and going after his target with ferocity Aurora had never seen before.