273: An artificial world [pt2]

"Who are you and what do you want from us? You better answer truthfully if you don't want your head to go off flying."

Rita's fast actions caused the young teen in her grasp to be startled. He flailed in panic as he tried to get out of Rita's grasp and Rita had to be careful not to graze him any more than she already had.

Even though Rita held the kid at knifepoint, she did not want to kill him off for no apparent reason. She at least wanted to know why they were brought into that tiny room in the first place.

"P-Please don't kill me off. I will do anything if you let me live. I p-promise to give up magic if you want me to. But please don't kill me off."

The teen was crying at that point, too terrified to even move from his place. Rita had pressed her knife more firmly against his neck so that the kid could feel its sharp blade every time he breathed.

"Don't worry kid. You won't die as long as you do what we ask of you and tell us where we are."