274: An artificial world [pt3]

Aurora waited for an answer to come to her queries but no one answered her from the other side. It was utterly silent which made Aurora worried about what was going on.

She felt as if someone was keeping an eye on her for no other reason but to observe her and that made Aurora nervous. This entity felt a lot closer to the abyss than to a normal human being.

And no one associated with the abyss was a decent human being. And yes, that also incused Aurora as well.

"Aurora, is everything alright? You seemed to be lost in your thoughts there."

Rita called out as she noticed the zoned-out expression Aurora had on her face. That concern was appreciated but it did not help lessen the weird feeling Aurora was having in the middle of her stomach.

The part where that egg had been absorbed was throbbing ever so slightly and it made Aurora nervous.