277: Personal gains [pt1]

"It is all happening for your own sake. You might not see it but the abyss is corruption you as well. We are just trying to save you from a fate worse than death."

Subaru sounded too confident in his claim but Aurora knew that he was only speaking words someone else had fed into his brain.

His eyes did not look at Aurora as he stared in her general direction. Nor did it show the genuine fear he had shown at the start.

It almost felt like she was talking with a different person and that was a big distinction.

"You say all these big words but you cannot even keep me from figuring everything out. The reason you were able to trap us all this easily and the reason you needed to separate us all was so that we are not able to communicate and tell each other that this is an illusionary world."

Aurora was taking a shot in the dark but the more she spoke, the more she was certain about that fact.