278: Personal gains [pt2]

"Are we finally safe while hiding in here? I don't feel so safe right now."

Rita asked as she flattened herself against the wall of the base. She hoped that doing this would make her stand out more.

But she was only making herself stand out more by doing this. Quince was even looking at her behavior oddly and with a disgusted expression on his face.

"Just behave normally. I brought us here because I was certain that the administrator would not come after us here. There is no need for you to get so worried."

Quince replied and Rita puffed her cheeks at his cheeky tone. She did not like that he was making fun of her.

But Quince ignored her as he looked around this base. It was different from all the other bases that existed out there. This one had a lot of information archived in it.

This was a base that was made by the southern people and then taken over by the tower. As such, a lot of records that were left here were by the southern tower.