287: A last attempt to call for help [pt1]

"Everyone, pay attention to your surroundings. We have no idea what kind of danger we are heading into."

Rex spoke those last words before he opened the door to the castle. It faced an empty room that was supported by pillars on all sides. It was a hall where a palace was supposed to have an audience with the king.

The ceiling was huge and their voices echoed in that space. They could see that there was a huge throw at the end of the hallway.

It easily crossed two building heights with its huge mass and size. The throne was impressive for sure, but what was even more impressive was the humanoid shape occupying the throne.

"Welcome everyone. It is so nice to see that all of you walked into your graves on your one feet."

Lady Dheva's voice washed over everyone and they flinched hearing her speak. She was not only loud but her voice also reflected authority.