288: A last attempt to call for help [pt2]

"Let me go now. You will regret trying to kill me. Let. Me. Go."

Rita punched the hand that was holding her hostage but she was not let go of it. Lady Dheva kept on holding on to Rita and kept squeezing her.

Oxygen was getting rarer by the second for Rita but she made a last-ditch effort to save herself. But nothing was working on Lady Dheva's hand.

"Say goodbye, you irritating worm."

Rita closed her eyes but she had not accepted her fate in her heart. She still felt hope that something will save her and that Rita will be able to live a fulfilling life.

Lady Dheva's hands squeezed and Rita's ribs protested against that action. She somehow held on to her consciousness and gathered as much magic as she could.

"Is that all you can do? The abyss doesn't care about your effort at all."

Lady Dheva yelled, her voice shaking the room. She was about to kill Rita when her wrist was cut off.