289: The last hallway [pt1]

With the team decided, they entered the dark room that was the last floor of the abyss. It was as dark and gloomy as one could have expected a prison cell to look.

This was not a place one would associate with the finality of the abyss. It did not look like anything could survive the darkness of this place.

"Are you sure this is the right place? Isn't it too dark in here?"

Rita asked the only one who was in the mood to make observations right now. Her vigilant eyes were looking all around in an attempt to find an exit.

She was not the only one paying attention to her surroundings though. Everyone else was hyper-aware of where they were as well as they continued to walk through the wet prison-like space.

The whole space was giving off a depressing vibe. The further the group went in, the more they felt like the place was not welcoming them.

"Be careful. This place gives me the creeps."